CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter May 25, 2006 #7 A CHANCE FOR FARAMIR OF GONDOR TO SHOW HIS QUALITY!?
SilentBtViolent Rape Ape May 25, 2006 #10 at least you don't need your brain to do most of the stuff i do all day like rot and try ot eat b rains
at least you don't need your brain to do most of the stuff i do all day like rot and try ot eat b rains
SilentBtViolent Rape Ape May 25, 2006 #12 I agree, he's pretty -- and I think he looks a bit like BB.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter May 25, 2006 #13 I don't like individual drops of water like that.
Eggs Mayonnaise All In With The Nuts May 25, 2006 #14 They're not glued on, they fell off a second after the picture was taken. LOVE HIM! LOVE TAKESHI KANESHIRO!!! PLEEEEEZZZZEWEEEEE
They're not glued on, they fell off a second after the picture was taken. LOVE HIM! LOVE TAKESHI KANESHIRO!!! PLEEEEEZZZZEWEEEEE
Caitriona Something Wicked May 25, 2006 #16 CaptainWacky said: I have many phobias. Click to expand... We all do. Trust me.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter May 25, 2006 #17 Any time I express them everyone thinks I'm just joking or being "Wacky".
Eggs Mayonnaise All In With The Nuts May 25, 2006 #19 You're an artist, you leave it open for the audience to interpret the amount of wacky in each post.