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Sheep Being Led to Slaughter


New member
The Fox is guarding the henhouse. It is all around us yet we don't see it. They manipulate circumstances so the masses are deceived.

Blaming the wolf would not help the sheep much. The sheep must learn not to fall into the clutches of the wolf.

The leaders of the U.S. and Mexico freely open the borders to satisfy their GREED. Why does Mexico zealously guard their southern borders so that the people from South America do not enter their country yet our borders are a free for all. The Mexican leaders are feeding their own people to the wolves.

The Palestinians..............Israel did not steal your land. Look to your Muslim brothers--Jordan and Lebanon. Who really took your land from you and left you homeless?? Saudia Arabia always has been and still is the biggest threat to the Middle-East. Same for Syria.

The American people learned nothing from 9-11. It should have been a wake-up call but they have ADHD. They fall back into complacency then expect our agents to protect us against a massive force. They give them limited funding. I applaud the minute men and their courage. They are smarter than our duplicitous leaders but it will take more people to show the wolves we will no longer be their sheep.

Just remember..........they will always try to lead the sheep to think dissenters are crazy, they are insane.

The history of the world is full of instances of men who rose to leadership by sheer force or self-confidence, bravery or tenacity.
There are two kinds of "insane" people in the world, Jillian: Geniuses, and people who just really are genuinely fuckin' batshit.

You're no genius.
I had a lawn with extensive landscaping. People used to ask do you keep your yard free of weeds? I told them I would tackle the largest weeds because the produced the smaller weeds that would eventually take over your lawn. Once I got rid of the large weeds I stayed after all the small upstarts until I completely got rid of all of them. Even at that, they would show up periodically.

Then my neighbor on one side started using a yard service. This service brought weeds from other peoples yards, eventually her lawn became a big weed then tried to spread over to my yard. I finally got pissed off and told her she needed to tell these people to quit shooting them over in my yard. Tell them to treat your yard if you aren't going to git out there and do something yourself.
My neighbor on the other side kept after her weeds the way I did. We had two of the best yards in the neighborhood which was a source of admiration from the other neighbors. They also saw we had to WORK at it.
I had a lawn with extensive landscaping. People used to ask do you keep your yard free of weeds? I told them I would tackle the largest weeds because the produced the smaller weeds that would eventually take over your lawn. Once I got rid of the large weeds I stayed after all the small upstarts until I completely got rid of all of them. Even at that, they would show up periodically.

Then my neighbor on one side started using a yard service. This service brought weeds from other peoples yards, eventually her lawn became a big weed then tried to spread over to my yard. I finally got pissed off and told her she needed to tell these people to quit shooting them over in my yard. Tell them to treat your yard if you aren't going to git out there and do something yourself.
My neighbor on the other side kept after her weeds the way I did. We had two of the best yards in the neighborhood which was a source of admiration from the other neighbors. They also saw we had to WORK at it.
Moral to this Story:

One neighbor worked as hard as I did to keep the Nazi weeds out of our yards. We both push mowed our yards and she is 12 years my senior. She is a hard worker, diligent. The neighbor on the other side of me took the lazy way out and hired someone who brought more weeds into the neighborhood for the rest of us to battle.

There were 9 houses on my street. 3 of us were the strongest warriors.
My warrior neighbor who is 12 years my senior, push mowed a two-acre yard. She is a G*d-fearing woman, took care of her family and friends. We need more people like her.
I prayed for her last night. G*d told me women like her do good work not for recognition, but because they have pure hearts. They work behind the scenes because they have a greater purpose in serving the Lord. He chooses women like her.
The application to our lives is obvious---our failure to completely destroy the centers of fleshly self-indulgence within us only allows them to grow back again, if not in our time, in the lives of our children and subsequent generations.

Strong women will lead you to victory. The weak women (Michelle) will lead you to destruction.
She is making a journey for me to see that justice is served. I would have never known if I hadn't axe so many questions to G-d. He only told me a little bit and said that is all I need to know.

My could I have ever had the least doubt about you? You fed me when I had no food. I didn't know who to trust. Please forgive me my sister.
The Saint said:
There are two kinds of "insane" people in the world, Jillian: Geniuses, and people who just really are genuinely fuckin' batshit.

You're no genius.

If this is all just pretending to be insane, then this person is putting on a good show.

If these posts are as they appear to the unbiased observer and it isn't all a show, then I'm leaning towards:

a few screws loose
toys in the attic
over the rainbow
a few crayons short of a box
section 8
bats in the bellfrey
daft as a brush
doolally tap
nuckin' futs
lost the plot
a nutter
out of her/his tree
off his/her rocker
Chicken Jalfrezi
Patrick Swayze
radio rental
chicken oriental

or downright fucking psycho
ok!! lets get back to the whole insanity issue. Did you come down here to give me my meds??

Free Fall!

correction was overdue.

speed bump?? I don't think so.

Lower Mortgage Rates? that would be good.

Buy Land.................Plant a Tree.



Men usually shoot themselves
Women take an overdose of pills.........something along that line.

Wake Up Call??? Brutal? Only three gates down?? Too bad. What cha gonna do with all that Dirty Money when they come for you?

Make sure you and your employees have a list of lawyers to call in case you are ever raided by the DEA or FDA. I would post a list by the cash register, on everyones desk, on the walls with W/C, OSHA certificates.

Al Gore?? How did your dad make all his millions? The Zinc Mines? what happened there??