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Should we have curfews and martial law?


Boobie inspector
Many of our cities and housing estates are no go areas after nightfalls, where gangs of kids run riot, and any adult that tries to defend his property either ends up getting beat up, (sometimes to death) or is the one to get in trouble if he hits those hitting him.

The police are either too undermanned, or simply dont care, they certainly arent up to the task of maintaining order.

Something clearly needs to be done, but what?

MAybe if gangs of kids werent allowed to wonder the streets, their deadbeat parents might have to actually look after them and make sure they behaved.

Istead of having our troops overseas fighting for causes that only our leaders beleive in, and that only cause more people to hate us and plot against us, they need to be home, making our own country safe to live in.
Gangs of kids already aren't allowed to beat on people or steal shit, but they're doing that anyway.

No, it's not time to make tighter laws that criminals will ignore. It's time to eliminate laws that punish self-defense.