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Luci! Sorry...we had a horrible storm cut my internet connection off, so I went and took a shower! :D I'm here now, though (and you're gone, I think)!
Deni said:
Luci! Sorry...we had a horrible storm cut my internet connection off, so I went and took a shower! :D I'm here now, though (and you're gone, I think)!

Pfft. A storm cut off your internet connection? Has Texas heard of something called 'underground cable'? *ROTFLMAO*.
Not gone. I was at another site to check something out. I was right. They banned me. *ROTFLMAO*. I have been banned from every single site I have ever signed up for. Such is GOD!!'s not a big city, dude. We're lucky we've even got anything better than dial-up. As for your bannings...I don't get why you do it, but I guess it doesn't matter if it makes you happy.
Deni said:'s not a big city, dude. We're lucky we've even got anything better than dial-up. As for your bannings...I don't get why you do it, but I guess it doesn't matter if it makes you happy.

'Dude'? Pfft. *waves a regal dismissal*. I shall let that pass. If you are that close to Dallas, you should have top-notch cable. My parents live quite a distance north of Toronto yet they have excellent internet access although other large firms refuse to locate their internet system out there. Too costly and not enough people to cover those costs. I do believe I read somewhere that in the USA, you have more than one telephone company and cable company within the same region. We do not. Strange. We let AT&T come up here only to be driven out by Bell Canada. Ah well.

I do not try to get myself banned. It just happens. Comes naturally to one so famous as myself. Do you have any idea how many individuals have threatened me with physical harm via the internet? Ah. Such lovely memories. One such individual told me he was going to hunt me down, cut off my head and skull fuck me or something along those lines. I cannot remember. I found out later his ISP received a warning from the originating site. *ROTFLMAO*.

I have even seen a woman point a loaded gun at her head because I refused to talk to her. She swore to blow her own head off. I knew she was psycho but that was ridiculous. Nutcases abound on the internet. One has to take care although I do not give a flying fuck. When that bitch pointed the loaded gun at her head, others threatened to tell YAHOO that I was responsible for doing so. I simply told them YAHOO has all of the records of our chats and could see for themselves. They shut the fuck right up. I was surprised they did not realise this little tidbit of information themselves.