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So He Fucked Me


We were just lying there in the morning and without a word he grabbed my hair and pushed my head in the direction of his dick I took the cue and dick and sucked and licked for a little while. A long while? I thought that since I don't feel I've been fucked often enough lately that I wouldn't let him cum in my mouth but then I thought that maybe I should if that's what he wants because our whole thing is him doing what he wants and it could spoil the mood if I'm insistent about something but then how would I get what I want? Didn't matter because after a while he pulled me back up by my nipples and got on top of me and started fucking me. He told me not to make any noise or move at all because this wasn't about me it was for him and he was going to enjoy himself and I really had no part in it other than a pussy for him to stick his cock in.

So it was very difficult, but I grabbed on to the mattress and for the most part didn't move or make any noise. Except when I came I think I moaned a tiny bit and moved/bucked a tiny bit. But after that it was even easier to just lie there and be fucked. Lie? Lay? He said I had/was a nice pussy, and that he liked sticking his cock in sluts. Then he came.

I think you are missing some important context, but it is possible that the context would make you think it was even sadder.
Just one of those games we play to spice things up. I'm more the submissive type but all my previous boyfriends have been submissives and so I'm so incredibly bored and done with the dom side of things. This guy is very nice and in the beginning when he talked dirty a little I strongly encouraged it so now we play all sorts of little psychological games. He enjoys being on the dom end so it works out quite well, if a little twisted.

But I'm HERE, so I'd have to be a little twisted, right? Did you miss the other thread? Perhaps I should bump it for your perusal.
That's okay. If I ever felt the need to dial up 1-800-ASS-HOLE, I can think of a few people to call directly but since I actually do have some self-respect, I'll stick with the nice guy who buys me orange juice when I'm sick and lets me pick what we watch every weekend.
Last night we watched TNG -- Too Short a Season. Great episode. And then two episodes of The Daily Show. Sept. 16, 1997 and Sept. 22, 1997. Awesome stuff. Oh yeah, and I bought him the Star Wars Imperial Shuttle as an early Christmas present, so he'll be setting up the scene today with all the action figures. Then when we went to bed I asked him if he wanted to 69. He seemed surprised and when I asked why he said because no girl had ever asked him like that before. :huh: So we did that and it was fun, etc etc no crazy special stories here.
It is so different; he likes laying his head on my chest or in my lap while we watch tv, with his arms around me. No other guy has ever done this with any frequency and it has such a mother/child/nurture feeling to it. How lonely was he before I came along? In some ways not at all, but I can relate to being on the receiving end of unwanted attentions, it must have been such a trapped feeling to have that be the only buffer against loneliness.

I like having an exclamation point next to my name.
Then you'll be very interested in knowing that since the age of seven I have had the inkling feeling that I am not human at all, but some sort of android/artificial human experiment concocted by the US government and aliens working together. They monitor my impressions remotely. This would explain many things including my constant sense of detachment/disassociation, my lack of reflex, other things that I have discovered over time that lend credence to my belief.

Indeed, many people consider me "weird," "eccentric," "kooky," or "fucking psycho," but those who know me have and will continue to describe me as "robotic," "cold," "working with an emotional on/off switch," "callous."

I wonder if the experiment is considered a success or a failure. I suppose it depends on what their ultimate goal was.
Oh, and jack: Still no scat, but a first-time experience with "atm." In the other thread.
Gonad said:
Then you'll be very interested in knowing that since the age of seven I have had the inkling feeling that I am not human at all, but some sort of android/artificial human experiment concocted by the US government and aliens working together. They monitor my impressions remotely. This would explain many things including my constant sense of detachment/disassociation, my lack of reflex, other things that I have discovered over time that lend credence to my belief.

Indeed, many people consider me "weird," "eccentric," "kooky," or "fucking psycho," but those who know me have and will continue to describe me as "robotic," "cold," "working with an emotional on/off switch," "callous."

I wonder if the experiment is considered a success or a failure. I suppose it depends on what their ultimate goal was.

I'll bet you're just an unaware hyperglycemic.
–noun Pathology an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood.
Non-diabetic hyperglycemia
The most common cause of chronic non-diabetic hyperglycemia is obesity, the cure for which is proper diet and exercise to reduce the body's excess white fat reserves

Possible. Very possible.

when the subject consumes an incredible number of calories at once, frequently from foods that are high in both simple and complex carbohydrates - the body simply having a fierce craving for the energy that carbohydrates provide.
This is quite possible.

But I'm not making the connection to the post you quoted and your diagnosis.
All I know is, I experienced the same kind of distorted social numbness you describe until this diagnosis.
The idea of not experiencing it is scary. It would be like being swept away, lost in the flow of human-ness.
I like being deliberate. It allows me to distance myself from difficult situations, such as my break-up six months ago. I was very fortunate that the matters were of a practical nature and not an emotional nature, or I might have gone the OCD route and that would not have been desireable.

On that note, I think I've gotten past much of it, and I am very happy to have done so since my rebound has stunted my dealing with it somewhat.