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So I have a story...


Skin is my daddy
And many of you are going to think its stupid. So that's fine.

I've decided that I hate public transit, especially here. Oh, and homeless people.

My friend and I wanted to go downtown today to shop and neither of us felt like driving so we parked and thought, for a novelty since we both have cars, we'd take the skytrain (Vancouver's metro, commutertrain, subway, whatever)
Anyways, the platform was really empty and this homeless man IMMEDIATELY started harassing us...and usually i'm a tough bitch but you just don't mess with meth heads. He was trying to sell us skytrain tickets, which doesn't make's not like a concert, you just go up to the machine and buy them.
So some way or another we knew we were getting scammed but we bought our tickets from the junkie and tried to get away as fast as possible. We were relieved to see that the tickets were in fact real and had the right date on them and had a 4:00 expiry time on them. We both had a biiig discussion on the train about how we'd both thought the man was shady and was just trying to rip us off and it was a big misunderstanding.

20 minutes later we simultaneously realize the tickets are in 24 hour time, and therefore, he DID in fact rip us off. For 3 dollars.

So I hate homeless people, and skytrains.
The end.
Bah. Never buy anything from a homeless person. Anything they've got that they think is worth having, they won't sell you. Fact-O-Matic.
The rumor is TQ once beat up a homeless man for a donut! :D

(Sorry, TQ, but I was roffling when I read that!)
Oh I totally knew I was getting scammed in some fashion or another, I just wanted to get the hell away, hahaha.
There is methamphetemine and homeless people in Canada? Hm, you'd have thought God created the country himself if you asked St. Luci.
A homeless guy asked me for 6 cents once. I asked him what he needed it for-he said "beer" and I said, "you can buy a beer for $.06?!" He said, "No, $1.06, but I thought I would just ask you for the $.06"
The only effective way of dealing with the homeless is to let Deni's rabid flesh eating ferrets attack them and strip them of all their skin.

Ive written to my Congressman asking him to submit a bill authorizing this.
The Question said:
Bah. Never buy anything from a homeless person. Anything they've got that they think is worth having, they won't sell you. Fact-O-Matic.

Coming from you that's pretty astute.
Yes you do.. they all just hide when they see you coming because they're tired of you offering them cigarrettes in exchange for sex...

They've learned to run at the smell of vasaline :)

The best thing you can do for the homeless is to not give them anything. The sooner they see that they can't walk through life for free the sooner they'll have to clean up and get to work. The fact that there are homeless people that RENT APARTMENTS in my city is a testament to the naivete of people that do give to the homeless (and I know it's a misnomer to call a homeless person who rents "homeless", but they beg on the street for money... so let's just say, "bums").
I've been homeless three times through no fault of my own, and Ishcabittle knows Jack shit. Thank you.
I used to know a guy who made his living pretending to be homeless standing in the median in the middle of big roads. Made a pretty damn good income on the charity of others.

Course, he stopped after someone hit him when he was going home after work.
I've never been homeless that I recall, and we don't have a homeless issue where I live in Vermont. In Burlington they aren't really homeless, no one ever sleeps on the streets, and the shelters and food bank feed and clothe everyone properly. There are street people, which seems to be different, mostly mentally ill kids falling through the cracks and junkies.

But I have to take issue with Ish in this case. There's a gent from Social services who roams the streets making sure all the headcases get their (and stay on their) meds. He can be seen talking to "them" any day you can walk around the city. I think this kind of contact works, because there isn't ever a "problem", except for one of them kills one of the other, which seems to happen occasionally.

But I'd give a homeless person some money any time. I also like asking them if they are hungry, and then what they'd like for b/l/d, and then getting it for them. The expression on their faces when I come back with the food is always interestingly wonderfully sad, because you know what?

They really are hungry, usually.
I've been to Vancouver and can say that you're right about the homeless there. Fucking hell, it's bad.

That Skytrain is cool though.

The Question said:
Bah. Never buy anything from a homeless person.

Indeed. That goes for Lucy the Hobo, in particular. He sold me this stapler once and the thing was just...ah, you don't care.
Vancouver is like Mecca for potheads. This means they have the world's finest stress relief program. Sign up today! :D
Donovan said:
I've been homeless three times through no fault of my own, and Ishcabittle knows Jack shit. Thank you.

Three times?? Jesus Christ man, didn't you learn to leave the drugs alone after the first two times??