I want to smell dark matter
Godzilla Vs. Kong (2021) - It's dumb as fuck but it knows it is. If you want to see Godzilla and Kong hit each other in neon Hong Kong then this is the movie for you! And I did want to see that and it certainly delivered on the Godzilla and Kong hitting each front! Plus they hit a special guest monster too. If you want a plot well there kind of is one...maybe? There's some stuff where Millie Bobby Brown, the guy who plays Paper Boi in Atlanta and the boy from Hunt For The Wilderpeople team up to investigate a evil company, except the movie barely establishes the evil company exists so I wasn't really sure what they were doing for a whie. Eric from True Blood and Rebecca Hall go to the "Hollow Earth" with Kong for reasons I'm still not sure on but it looks really pretty and Kong gets a giant radioactive axe? There's a bunch of other characters who get about one line each. But it's fun in the right places. There's nice bits where Kong talks to a deaf girl with sign language. Godzilla's kind of a dick but I wouldn't want to mess with him. I enjoyed it.
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