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Some silliness


New member
Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to break up the day. Here is your dose...

Use the first letter of your first name to determine your NEW first name:

a = stinky b = lumpy c = buttercup
d = gidget e = crusty f = greasy
g = fluffy h = cheeseball i = dimwitted
j = poopsie k = flunky l = drippy
m = pinky n = zippy o = goober
p = doofus q = slimy r = loopy
s = snotty t = falafel u = dorkey
v = wrinkley w = goofy x = skipper
y = dinky z = zsa-zsa

Use the first letter of your last name to determine
the first half of your NEW last name:

a = diaper b = toilet c = giggle
d = bubble e = girdle f = barf
g = lizard h = waffle i = cootie
j = monkey k = potty l = liver
m = banana n = rhino o = burger
p = hamster q = toad r = gizzard
s = pizza t = gerbil u = chicken
v = pickle w = chuckle x = tofu
y = gorilla z = stinker

Use the last letter of your last name to determine
the second half of your NEW last name:

a = head b = mouth c = face
d = nose e = fanny f = breath
g = pants h = shorts i = lips
j = honker k = shoes l = brain
m = hair n = chunks o = hiney
p = biscuits q = toes r = buns
s = fanny t = sniffer u = sprinkles
v = kisser w = squirt x = noggin
y = brains z = juice

Mine's Poopsie Wafflefanny :yoohoo: