Let's fuck some shit up
One of my friends sent me an email with the title "Some U.S. Soldiers are dicks" with that video link in it.
My response to him was:
I then linked him to the following video:
What are your thoughts. Are those soldiers bad men for taunting those kids with a water bottle? Or are those kids stupid sand niggers for chasing after a military vehicle for a stupid bottle of some crappy water?
One of my friends sent me an email with the title "Some U.S. Soldiers are dicks" with that video link in it.
My response to him was:
me = veteran
I think that video is TOO funny. Of course, you'd be bitter and upset if you were pulled away from your family and friends for a year and a half just to defend a country where kids are that stupid. Maybe it's just me, but I think that kind of behavior is OK. Of course, we could always take a look at why they're over there...
I then linked him to the following video:
What are your thoughts. Are those soldiers bad men for taunting those kids with a water bottle? Or are those kids stupid sand niggers for chasing after a military vehicle for a stupid bottle of some crappy water?