Troll Kingdom

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someone is mad

I agree. My confinement is entirely deserved, but it will take a long t9ime before an arsehole like me feels a lesson is learned.
BlazerBoy said:
You will never learn, Gagh. :D
Which gagh do you mean? you are confusing me! wahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwah
Gagh said:
Be with me Devon. Hold me in my hour of need.

I'm here, Gagh. :D

My gf had to run to the store to get some contraceptives, so until she gets back, I am at your disposal. :D
Now FLOOD THIS FORUM TO HIGH HEAVEN. Let's make sure TK never forgets the name Gagh or Gagh. or CoyoteUgly or EggsMayo or Mentalist or JillianBicardi or Skinofevil, or any other dual you have been over the past few years.