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Something for later


New member
You have to read from the bottom up.

[Today 06:18 AM] MessengerX: LOL!!!!!!!!
[Today 06:18 AM] MessengerX: jack 4542
[Today 06:18 AM] MessengerX: Last I checked, you were #1 :D
[Today 06:18 AM] jack: well fine, stay a virgin, you've always got the shoutbox for stim,ulation
[Today 06:18 AM] MessengerX: Find another angle, because the only thing that's annoying is seeing you acting stupid and not being able to explain it to you.
[Today 06:17 AM] MessengerX: I didn't think so, jack.
[Today 06:17 AM] jack: Just try it, I'm telling you, you just might be surprised how much you like it
[Today 06:16 AM] MessengerX: If you feel that strongly and are so certain, then put it on paper, so to speak.
[Today 06:16 AM] MessengerX: And I'm not trying to get my 'hook' in you or anythig.
[Today 06:16 AM] jack: you fear the vagina
[Today 06:16 AM] MessengerX: Start a thread. Feel free.
[Today 06:16 AM] jack: I dont think you're a virgin, I know it
[Today 06:16 AM] jack: Who would fuck you? Besides your dad I mean
[Today 06:15 AM] MessengerX: Why would you think that I'm a virgin, or that I don't get laid?
[Today 06:15 AM] MessengerX: You're as infantile as the teenages here, jack.
[Today 06:15 AM] jack: just remember to tighten your index finger on the upstroke.
[Today 06:15 AM] jack: so whats it like, NOT getting laid? Is masturbation enough?
[Today 06:14 AM] jack: LOL
More baby-sitting

[Today 06:29 AM] jack: you've never been laid, it's clearly OBVIOUS
[Today 06:28 AM] jack: so shut the fuck up idiot
[Today 06:28 AM] jack: your persona wouldnt get you a blowjob in a glory hole
[Today 06:28 AM] jack: Most everyone is, including you
[Today 06:28 AM] jack: X, aside from the BS, I'm pretty much me online
[Today 06:24 AM] MessengerX: How can a middle aged man be such an idiot.
[Today 06:24 AM] MessengerX: Do you?
[Today 06:24 AM] MessengerX: jack, do you wear a hook in RL and shout Durka?
[Today 06:23 AM] jack: Oh I'm sure the girls fall on their nknees with that suave debonair manner you have :D
[Today 06:22 AM] MessengerX: You stating that you "know" that I am only makes you look more moronic.
[Today 06:22 AM] Sparkle Muffin: jack, you should leave MX along. He can't help it that he's a hermafrodyte!
[Today 06:21 AM] MessengerX: But you haven't established that I'm a virgin, jack.
You said, start a thread feel free and then (look at the time stamps) you immediately did.

No, I said feel free to start a thread about you believing me to be a virgin, not about me having you in the palm of my hand.
No, that's not what you said at all, shitty DLA dual. You said I should start a thread about it, and then you immediately did.

The only thing in the palm of your hand is your meat.
Still nothing, jack. It was about you mentioning my spending quality time in the shoutbox in an attempt to make up for my lack of ever touching a women, :roll:, and me pointing at that you are the #1 shouter.

You're doing a poor job of avoiding that, btw.
Calm down. You're clearly no match for me.

Maybe you should call A Karas for backup?!?!!??