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Sorry Brian/SaintLucifer

Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
The gig is up! Luci's going to jail now. :(
I don't know about that. All I know is that he's avoiding someone named Debbie so I'll help reunite them.

That's what assholes like him get.

Are you for real?? *wipes away a tear of laughter* Is this the best you can do? Claim I am someone else?? Why not simply ask the Admins of this site? They have ALL of my IP records you dumb twat. I would challenge you to prove your ridiculous meanderings but I am too busy killing myself with laughter.

SaintLucifer said:

I am too busy killing myself with laughter.

Please be quick about it then. I can only handle your insanely retarded cackle for so long.
SaintLucifer said:

Are you for real?? *wipes away a tear of laughter* Is this the best you can do? Claim I am someone else?? Why not simply ask the Admins of this site? They have ALL of my IP records you dumb twat. I would challenge you to prove your ridiculous meanderings but I am too busy killing myself with laughter.

Not a very good job, Brian, Eric, what the fuck ever.

You'll get whatever's coming to you.
Messenger said:
Not a very good job, Brian, Eric, what the fuck ever.

You'll get whatever's coming to you.

I sure do hope they get whatever is coming to them. I hate to say it but that look very much like a threat. *ROTFLMAO*. Duh? MORON. If what you say about these idiots BRIAN and ERIC is true then I say toss the book at them!! Let them rot in an American jail. Or would that be country club? I have heard your jails are much like ours. They pander to criminals. No matter. I will save that discussion for another time. Hang the fuckers!! *ROTFLMAO*
SaintLucifer said:
I sure do hope they get whatever is coming to them. I hate to say it but that look very much like a threat.
No what you said to me looked very much like a threat. I was simply informing you that if you have committed crimes that you wouldn't be able to evade the long arm of the law forever.

Messenger said:
No what you said to me looked very much like a threat. I was simply informing you that if you have committed crimes that you wouldn't be able to evade the long arm of the law forever.


*ROTFLMAO* Look at your desperation. I love it. Keep it coming. Are you going to cry now that your tactics are not working? First a claim that I threatened you. Now a denial that you threatened others. Hey MESSEDUP, look below:

SaintLucifer said:
*ROTFLMAO* Look at your desperation. I love it. Keep it coming. Are you going to cry now that your tactics are not working? First a claim that I threatened you. Now a denial that you threatened others. Hey MESSEDUP, look below:

Fuck you! It's not right what you are doing, threatening people like that, making fun of their dead father's. You know one day you'll be touched by the death of a parent and when that day comes you don't have to come and say you are sorry - I already forgive you.
Messenger said:
Fuck you! It's not right what you are doing, threatening people like that, making fun of their dead father's. You know one day you'll be touched by the death of a parent and when that day comes you don't have to come and say you are sorry - I already forgive you.

*YAWN* Got anything better than that? Still upset I caught FBI007 faster than you did? Must really piss you off right? I thought so. Shit the cunt caught MENTALCASE too. AFter a full year, she STILL has him shitting his pants. *ROTFLMAO* Beautiful!
She does?

I think she has you shitting your pants like there's no tomorrow, old friend. Look at you - reduced to acting the part of a the demented SaintLucifer character you registered.
A Karas said:
Match. Set. Game. Most interesting.

Lookin' a little nervous there Lucy. ;)

Or is it Game. Set. Match? Aw, the hell with it. You get the idea. It's freaking way past my bedtime. G'nite everybody!
Oh thats RIGHT! :bigass: TK has an even more complicated Legal Action troll than I do.

You always have to give props to your betters.