I thought the last four episodes were all going to be about Yoda, but really the first of them is only loosely connected to the other two and Yoda isn't the central character. It was still very good! I like seeing Anakin and Obi-Wan doing detective stuff together. It was good seeing that one last time. We've seen a lot of Anakin/Obi-Wan versus Dooku duels over the years. But this was another really good one. And Dooku looked really strong here. It occrus to me that these final episodes have been great for Dooku. There was the moment where he made Padme shoot a guy just to annoy her. He's a great villain.
I know I keep saying things about the animation. But Coruscant looked really amazing in this arc. The scene where everyone was meditating with Yoda (not in the way Jar Jar meditates, thankfully) and we got a time lapse shot of Coruscant? That was great. Who would have ever imagined we'd get something like that back when the pliot movie came out and we were all complaining about Stink The Hutt (he was cute really.) It's great that they got Liam Neeson. Sure he was probably recording his lines over the phone and never talked to the other actors, but Liam Neeson saying anything is always going to sound pretty great. Yoda sees visions of everything. Like he sees Darth Sidious (did the Jedi know his name was Darth Sidious in the prequels? Does this scene explain how Yoda knew he name when he confronted him in his officer in Episode 3?) and Mace dying and everything. Does he see too much? I'll come back to that...
I was slightly worried when Yoda met the five spirit women. I didn't want it to end up like the Mortis episodes again, which were enjoyable and very pretty but ultimately kind of had a "it was all a dream" ending. But thankfully these episodes had a narrative and Yoda learned some important things and experienced actual character devlopment. He bounce around on mushrooms like he was in Mario Galaxy and it was fun. Then he thought a Dark Mirror Yoda and it was pretty great. Then the Ahsoka cameo. I'm glad she was in the episode in some way. Then the dream with Qui Gonn alive and Dooku still as a good guy and the genuinely creepy part with everyone else floating away as Dooku becomes evil again. Can the finale top this?
Yeah, I think it did. Mark Hamill. Actual Mark Hamill voicing Darth Bane. I loved how Bane looked a bit like the spidergarbage Darth Maul and a bit like Darth Vader and I don't think it was the literal Darth Bane because the spirit sisters said everything before Yoda went into the final room was all an illusion but I'll have to watch it again okay. Then it turns into Inception with Sidious and Dooku entering Yoda's dream. This frankly felt rushed and unlikely but fuck it we had another great Yoda/Sidious fight and Yoda getting serious hints that Anakin is going to go evil...then Yoda hearing his own last words "there is another Skywalker"...
So did Yoda learn too much? Maybe? I don't know, but the episodes worked anyway. Yoda had a line early on about how they were trapped in the Sith's game and had to keep playing it because doing nothing would mean destruction for all. As well as learning how to live on after death, the episodes were about Yoda learning through the Force that even if they can't overcome this Sith crisis ultimately they can win a larger victory, even if it means waiting another twenty years. Yoda always remembered "there is another Skywalker" because it gave him hope when all seemed lost. It's a bittersweet ending to the series, but what other possible ending could there be to a series about the Clone Wars when we knows what's coming next.