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Stripper invasion


New member
Is it just me, or do all the 'males' which tagged along with the girls seem like fucking numpty idiots who think they can prance around the forums in their own ballerina style? (With the exception of Bladev1 and FreeWanderer, who actually come off as men).

I thought you were gonna dis Blade...which would have been not cool. But I say no more.

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Messenger said:
Is it just me, or do all the 'males' which tagged along with the girls seem like fucking numpty idiots who think they can prance around the forums in their own ballerina style? (With the exception of Bladev1 and FreeWanderer, who actually come off as men).


Thanks. I prefer pas de deux as opposed to prancing.
1. Numpty
226 up, 16 down

Scottish usage:
a) Someone who (sometimes unwittingly) by speech or action demonstrates a lack of knowledge or misconception of a particular subject or situation to the amusement of others.

b) A good humoured admonition, a term of endearment

c) A reckless, absent minded or unwise person

a) "No. That wisnae wit she meant, ya big numpty!"

b) i.e. "Silly billy", "You big dafty"

c) "That numpty's driving with no lights on!"

Dude, really.
Someone who (sometimes unwittingly) by speech or action demonstrates a lack of knowledge or misconception of a particular subject or situation to the amusement of others.

Yep that describes a bunch of the fuckers from stripperweb
Messenger said:
Is it just me, or do all the 'males' which tagged along with the girls seem like fucking numpty idiots who think they can prance around the forums in their own ballerina style? (With the exception of Bladev1 and FreeWanderer, who actually come off as men).

Crap, this means I'm doing something wrong simply cuz I'm doin something right. Y'all can call me Blade, this Bladev1shit is only because someone already registered the name Blade, but since I'm here I say fuck 'em,lol
The girls called you Blade, and so shall I.

Blade, unlike your retarded SW 'male' friends, you seem like an actual man, and have the respect of TK.
Fuckin Aye...THANKS! I'm already figuring out which members I respect and which ones are laughable, so far I have to say....everyone(even StLucifer,whether he cares or not) has my respect

would it be egotistical of me to use that as my siggy? lol