Okay, okay ... going to regurgitate some more of my entire life ...
When I was in highschool I worked at Wyatt's Cafeteria. Old people came in every evening to get pie, usually chess, and coffee. So, most of my life I've associated chess pie and coffee with getting old.
A few years back I was feeling old one night and tried a piece of chess pie. It was nasty, nasty gross. Made me feel better, though, in a way. I figured I wasn't old enough to appreciate chess pie.
However, when I went to Palestine with some friends this past March for the Dogwood Festival that didn't happen, we visited that little city's praise worthy bakery/pastry and sandwich shop. They always put a piece of dessert on the lunch plate and the day we were there, the dessert was lemon chess pie. It was free so I gave the pie another try. O-M-G - that pie was fabulous. It was so good, I don't even care that means I'm old enough to appreciate it.