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Teach me Communism

Under communism we would hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, and criticize after dinner.
Here are the basic rules of communism:

1. Everything you have rightfully belongs to someone else.

2. If you think you might need something, you must ask someone who doesn't know you for permission to have it. There's usually a 6 month waiting period.

3. You cannot make your own decisions. Attempting to make your own decisions will result in your being sent to a correctional camp for re-education.

That's basically it.
MessengerX said:
Tell me more about it.

Oh, it's easy. I tell you all about how your life will be perfect and beautiful and wonderful if you become a slave. Then once you're my slave, I take all your shit and kill you if you complain or try to escape. That's Communism.
I've read some literature, and this Marx person has a point. Maybe the reason it didn't work was because it wasn't applied on a global scale? Hmm....
It didn't work because it's based on an inaccurate and incomplete understanding of the way people are, and the misguided notion that any amount of force or manipulation can alter the way people are.
Just watch Star Trek. Pure communism. The future, really - once technology makes money obsolete.
Hambil said:
Just watch Star Trek. Pure communism. The future, really - once technology makes money obsolete.
Technology making money obsolete............ because of the surplus of resources? Shouldn't global communism do the same?
MessengerX said:
The first one.

That there is no perfect ideology? That's not a possibility; it's a certainty. Ideologies by their very nature treat humans as collective beings. We're not; we're individuals. Each of us has to assess his or her individual strengths and limitations, then craft his or her own plans taking those strengths and limitations into account in order to achieve individual goals. Ideologies can't do that, thus there has never been and never will be a perfect ideology.
The Question said:
That there is no perfect ideology? That's not a possibility; it's a certainty. Ideologies by their very nature treat humans as collective beings. We're not; we're individuals. Each of us has to assess his or her individual strengths and limitations, then craft his or her own plans taking those strengths and limitations into account in order to achieve individual goals. Ideologies can't do that, thus there has never been and never will be a perfect ideology.

Is there an ideology as good as Communism claims to be? There can't be ideologies for individual human beings........... tribal divisions remind me of Communism. What if the world were divided into small bands of 20 or so people?
Communism's "perfection" is largely the product of the myopia of its adherents.

Marx had little or no real understanding of human nature. The mass of men are not infintely malleable.

The is no perfect ideology; the perfect ideology would require a race of perfect human beings. And despite the gaggingly PC message of TNG, we are not an never will be a perfect race.
MessengerX said:
'Perfect' was a poor choice of words.

Is there an ideology as good as Communism claims to be?

See my "expanded" answer above. No, there is no ideology as good as Communism claims to be, because Communism claims to be able to accomplish something which no ideology is capable of -- and that's the "Bait" half of the Communism bait-and-switch. Essentially, Communism in practice is fullly aware that Communism-in-theory can never work, and never intends it to. It's a scam, plain and simple.
The Question said:
See my "expanded" answer above. No, there is no ideology as good as Communism claims to be, because Communism claims to be able to accomplish something which no ideology is capable of -- and that's the "Bait" half of the Communism bait-and-switch. Essentially, Communism in practice is fullly aware that Communism-in-theory can never work, and never intends it to. It's a scam, plain and simple.
I read 1984. Is that like Communism? Does the party delude itself?

I'd like some input from Communists. Who should I follow?
MessengerX said:
Is there an ideology as good as Communism claims to be? There can't be ideologies for individual human beings........... tribal divisions remind me of Communism. What if the world were divided into small bands of 20 or so people?

What if human beings' genitals were on their foreheads instead of in our crotches? Trying to imagine all sorts of alternate realities under which Communism might work is precisely the reason why Communism doesn't work -- its proponents ignore reality in favor of fantasy.
The Question said:
What if human beings' genitals were on their foreheads instead of in our crotches? Trying to imagine all sorts of alternate realities under which Communism might work is precisely the reason why Communism doesn't work -- its proponents ignore reality in favor of fantasy.
I read some kind of quote that philosophers analyse the world, and that it's the job of Communists to change it. Aren't their aims good?