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The accident


My Stars!
Okay, so I was stopped at a red light, when a Ford 250 rammed into the back of my car. The driver alighted full of apologies saying he was so sorry and that this was the second accident of a similar nature for not paying attention. My poor car!! My poor neck and back!!! [insert raging and crying smilie]
^^Thanks eloisel. I will be okay with a little physical therapy and my car repaired. It was such a pretty car too, and I've only had it a little over a year. [insert weeping smilie]
The odd thing was I was in a semi-state of shock. I don't recall what he looked like, forgot to get his vehicle's license plate number, but managed to write down his vehicle's VIN number, and all other information. He had a German accent and this may have been an attempted revenge from WWII (heck, WWI for all if know).
I just got the estimate on repairing my car: $6,700.00 plus. The estimator said that he suspects that once they start removing the back end they will find even more damage and it may end up being in the $7,500.00 to $8,000.00 range. The dood who hit me is going to find his insurance rates going up. Hmmmm, I wonder if mine will too even though I was blameless in this situation? You know how insurance companies are. . .

My doctor has suggested I see a neurologist or an orthopedists to check out my neck and back.

Yes, the dood who hit me is going to find his insurance rates going way up. I wonder if this will encourage him to pay attention to the road and not his cell phone? It's a thought.
Your insurance rates should not go up. Since you were rear ended the accident is 100% the other drivers fault. Glad you are OK. Sounds like a lot of damage, maybe they will total the car. Here is a trick to stretch back muscles, stand 1 foot away from a wall and walk your fingers up the wall.
Thanks Dogbert for the advice and the tip for my back.

The car is new so they won't total it - the repairs are way below the value of the vehicle. However, the newness means that they will be forced to use only factory parts and not "renovated" or "used" parts. I am going to take the car to the body shop my dealer recommended. He did work on my old 12 year old car and he does beautiful work. He will take my car back to the dealer to check out the vehicle before he returns it to me. That way, I'll know that the car is well and truly fixed.
^ It actually depends on the company, and the level of damage. If the frame is tweaked too much, they might just total it out.
GB - thanks for asking. I need to make the appointment with the doctor on Monday to look at my neck and back. But 2-3 Advils usually help allieviate the discomfort.

The car went to the repair shop today (Saturday). They removed one panel and discovered damage to a "rail"? I have no idea what that is, but they talked about replacing it and how far forward the rail will have to be replaced. The right back seat is higher than the left (the right being the side that took the worst of the impact). I'll know more in a day or two once they have the car's back end taken apart to reveal how extensive the internal damage is. I'm surprised the car was drivable and none of the lights were broken. But, sadly, the lack of broken lights belies the true damage to the car. My poor car!