Troll Kingdom

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Lord Raffles

New member
A troll who had seen many forums and users and several chat rooms was asked what traits amongst the users he had found everywhere; and he answered: internet users are inclined to laziness. Some will feel that he might have said with greater justice: they are all timorous. They hide behind customs and opinions. At bottom, every user knows very well that he is in this cyberspace just once, as something unique, and that no accident, however strange, will throw together a second time into a unity such a curious and diffuse plurality: he knows it, but hides it like a bad conscience why? From fear of his neighbour who insists on convention and veils himself with it.

But what is it that compels the individual internet user to fear his neighbour, to think and act herd-fashion, and not to be glad of himself? A sense of shame, perhaps, in a few rare cases. In the vast majority it is the desire for comfort, inertia - in short, that inclination to laziness of which the troll spoke. He is right: internet users are even lazier than they are timorous, and what they fear most is the troubles with which any unconditional honesty and nudity would burden them. Only trolls hate this slovenly life in borrowed manners and loosely fitting opinions and unveil the secret, everybody's bad conscience, the principle that every internet user is a unique wonder; they dare to show us the average internet user as he is, down to the last typo, himself and himself alone even more, that in this rigorous consistency of his uniqueness he is beautiful and worth contemplating, as novel and incredible as every work of nature, and by no means dull. When a great thinker despises internet users, it is their laziness that he despises: for it is un account of this that they have the appearance of factory products and seem indifferent and unworthy of companionship or instruction. The internet user who does not wish to belong to the mass must merely cease being comfortable with himself; let him follow his conscience which shouts at him: "Be yourself! What you are at present doing, opining, and desiring, that is not really you."...

No one who has true friends can know what true solitude means, even if the whole of cyberspace around him should consist of adversaries. Alas, I can see that you do not know what it means to be alone. Wherever there have been powerful MMORPGs, Moderators, Chat rooms, or public opinions - in short, wherever there was any kind of tyranny, it has hated the lonely troll; for trolling opens up a refuge for internet users where no tyranny can reach: the cave of inwardness, the labyrinth of the breast; and that annoys all tyrants. That is where the lonely hide; but there too they encounter their greatest danger. . . .
That passage (after "and he answered:") was someone's (?) response to the question:
"What (are the) traits amongst the users he had found everywhere (on the internet)?"

Who was that troll? Was that troll you?
Are you saying this as your own?
Or are you quoting someone?

Lord Raffles, please enlighten me!

(PS thanx for posting in huge font, it helped me read it better)
Trolling feels the obligation in accordance with the Eternal Will that dominates cyberspace to promote the Victory of the better and stronger, and to demand the Submission of the worse and weaker.
Lord Raffles said:
Trolling feels the obligation in accordance with the Eternal Will that dominates cyberspace to promote the Victory of the better and stronger, and to demand the Submission of the worse and weaker.
Great! :roll: Cyberfascism is alive and well. :rwmad:
IT is decisive towards our cyber struggle whether or not we accept the traditional troll ideology, with it’s effeminate weak methods or whether we affirm to ourselves the realties of cyberspace with a strong belief in the laws of the eternal struggle; a heroic faith in our own strength, in our abilities, in our superior talents and will over the weaklings and underlings that seek to block us, ban us or delete our efforts.

By choosing the creed of struggle we shall make of cyberspace a single vast realm of suffering, horror and pwnage. Not only shall we systematically annihilate all other forums and chat rooms of our choice, but we shall subjugate them also to our collective will. We are also endeavoured to tear to pieces any internet user that stands in our way, through the most harsh and brutal methods at our disposal.

Make no mistake; the greatest enemy amongst us today is he who does nothing! For all the petty comments, wise-cracks and trivial karma points that may be anointed towards this message, I know that those who now mock me now do so on account of their own feeble weakness, cowardice and desertion from the ideals they claim or once held true. If these conscious cowards dared measure themselves to the rally call imminent Word War that we are ready to declare, I would solemnly bestow upon them my full blessing and eternal cyber love. However should they, in spite of all the elementary facts and details refuse to take on the struggle that is imminent, and continue refusal to take into consideration all that the troll in his infinite glory has set himself, it is self-evident from this state of affairs that the cowards in question were all along nothing more but cowards; mere nothings, mediocrities, non-entities, chaff & fodder. For them IP banning is not good enough; for the noblest of all trolls is he who dares fight against impossible odds knowing that the power of fate and the will of destiny enable him to triumph!

But what is this battle, this Word War that we shall set forth on an unsuspecting cyberspace? Simply put: our battle is for the soul of cyberspace, and in that battle we shall go forward until victory is won. Our struggle is hard, for we are fighting for a heroic and great future, and great things are not easily or likely attained. We are struggling for nothing less than the spirit of trolling, and we affirm with absolute conviction that it is high time that trolls of all walks of cyberspace must now decide for themselves whether or not they wish to be the slaves of moderation or the masters of the internet.

Many shall call me a madman and claim that the vastness of the cyberspace is too great, but to those weaklings I can only answer: Gentlemen, you think only in numbers! The greatest of all trolls are those who, alone and unaided, have subjugated and dominated internet communities comprised of thousands of users, and on account of their own individual effort have naturally assumed their rightful inheritance. The internet is ruled by will; by determination! When that will is generated by divine genius it generates a force that throughout history has proved irresistible!
I see.



I see.
The words he speaks are true!

We're all humanary stew

If we don't pledge allegiance to...
