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My case started when my ex-husband decided to recruit his RetLtGeneral father and obviously his brother in the CIA. How stupid is that?? All of this over a divorce where this bum that I propped up for 12 years, who cheated on me the whole time, who had mad husbands coming after him with guns is a complete loser didn't want to buy me a car. I didn't ask for a Mercedes either..................nope. All I asked for was a Toyota Corolla.
Let me re-phrase that..........if they hadn't have underestimated me and they knew this would be the end know, compromising our National Security....... they would have presented me with a Mercedes SUV with a big red bow on top as a parting gift.

I'm not Julie.............she has obviously dumbed everyone in your family down with the exception of MK who saw her for what she was from the GIT go.
If you were in Tim's shoes............wouldn't you have used your dad's military connections and your brother's CIA connections to go after the mad husbands with guns who came after you when they found out you slept with their wives??

Why me?? He filed divorce against me because he wanted to hook up with the married woman at work he was having an affair with. Why would he have them come after me?? All I did was say....."Fuck you, GIT out, I want the car you promised me all these years, you can have your freedom" Fuck all the married women you want............have at it.
Hey Tig.........I hope you get this message.

I am a little surprized you would have got involved in this sordid mess considering the fact you have had the same happen to you, only your 1st and 2nd wife didn't try to ruin you the way Tim tried to ruin me.
I can see your dad bailing your mooch brother out since they have a lot in common with the exception of your dad keeping mom in the lap of luxury, handing over his wallet, buying diamond bracelets for every indiscretion.
Your bro, on the other hand, acted like he was some kind of pimp that I was supposed to prop up.
Its one thing to get screwed over, its quite another when you try to ruin me personally, professionally and financially.

Just keep this in guys started the war, don't blame me for doing whatever it takes to defend myself.
Please refer to my Conspiracy thread, put your heads together, come up with a number and mail a check to the address I have provided to several federal agencies who had legitimate online investigations that I compromised when you pissed me off by trying to ruin my life. It better be a decent amount considering all the money I have spent on this, if you need an itemized statement, I will be happy to fax you one. You have 5 working days or I drag all of these other people into this train wreck you started.
ok..............I think we need to take a harder look at this federal agency. They are supposed to be in charge of international terrorists and stuff but it appears they have jumped over into the domestic dispute area. If they can't git a dosmetic dispute case right can we trust them with our national security??

That is my question.
I think we should close the CIA and split up between the FBI and USDA. Our BIGGEST threat is biological. Think about it.........we already have a problem with our healthcare system overburdened......look how everyone is begging for people in that field.......physicians, nurses, respiratory techs***, ER......if the Asian Flu hits the U.S. we are screwed. Count on it. It will be a mess, a disaster or a magnitude you have never seen. You will be turned away at the E.R., there aren't enough respirators, equip, people to handle it.
^ok........thanks. I am trying to think of a way to incorporate the Asian Flu into my DomaMATRIX Troll Conspiracy Game.

Yep.........whoever intercepts it before it hits will rack up MAJOR points in the game. Biological. It will make 9-11 look like child's play. I will put that in the adult section of the game.
We don't need a bunch of kids playing this part of the game. No Sir Buddy!! This is for the HEAVY, experienced hitters.

Make no mistake about it.
Since DS and I are the team leaders and the soldiers will all be dead, we have to come up with a meeting place so we can team up.

It's coming..............the next biggest thing.