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The first test of a new father...


Out of the closet
isn't whether he can make a baby... but whether he can build the crib!

Nope... They keep trying to get me to change my nephew's, but I tell 'im I'll wait for the arrival of my OWN kid.

Very soon, though... About a month, or so.
Blindgroping said:
Toxic green velcro shit will be the next test.


And then my wife's all... "you know... I was 3 weeks early."

WHAT? You mean there's a possibility this kid'll be born in June!? No way, man, you said JULY - that's the plan! No changing the plan, damnit! I need JUNE!!!!

And it just goes on from there.
Bladev1 said:
After the first one, you'll learn expensive doesn't work.The second kid always gets shit on,lol

Testify, man.

Thankfully, the grandparents (this is their first grandkid) sprung for the expensive crib.

It's SO gonna get trashed.
That's cool Neil - a little masculine perhaps, so let's hope your wife is right about what she thought she saw at the last scan!

Neil, it's awesome!!! When you said crib, I pictured some small little basssinette kinda thing! What kind of wood did you use? Is that a cherry stain? you ever build really big back steps / really small porches? ;)
curiousa2z said:
^SNORT! you ever build really big back steps / really small porches? ;)

:D a big back step = a small porch! wow.....and Neil if the answer is yes, I may need to ship you over here, I have some work that needs doing
I would LOVE to build something in the way of a back deck/porch THING, but I have never done anything like that, yet.

Gotta finish these kennels for the dogs first!
Congrats on the baby Neil....:D

But you should know babies arrive when they want,
not when your ready....*giggle*
Neil said:
Testify, man.

Thankfully, the grandparents (this is their first grandkid) sprung for the expensive crib.

It's SO gonna get trashed.
Grandparents are the best for that. My dad paid for diapers for almost 2 yrs, what a help that was...

Dog kennels are DONE, man.

The white powdery stuff is blow. *ahem* I mean, ant killer.

Still no baby. Which is good, 'cuz I got shit to do. I told the wife to convince the kid that if it can hold off until it's due date (this Saturday) I'd bump it's allowance up an additional $.25/week.

The wife's doing fine, but is ready to be done with the whole affair.

Ok, I'm out.

If I keep coming back you guys'll never miss me.
*squeals* Neil :) Hi sweetie, good to see you - no matter how briefly :) My thoughts are with your wife (not you - you've got it easy) for her sake I hope the baby arrives on or before saturday.

And hoorah for the dog kennels being done, one thing you can cross of your long list of 'to do' items ;)