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The good reverend demands to be let out.

Reverend Phelps

New member
The queer loving fascist admins found it necessary to ban me. The reverend has done nothing to be put here. If I am not allowed to post in "speak freely" and any other public part of this board then your claims of free speech are just hypocrisy.
Is it true people of TROLL KINGDOM? All this faggy REVEREND did was post and nothing more? Please do not show me more of your fucking HYPOCRISY. It's what made me head out in the first place. If I was not being banned by every fucking site on the planet I would not be here right now.

Now then. Why was this HomoPriest banned? I will determine if the reason is acceptable or not.
He's a retard. You two have so much in common you should have some pretty good conversations.
Sarek said:
He's a retard. You two have so much in common you should have some pretty good conversations.

The question was valid. Why was he banned to DAYCARE?? Cut the avoidance. Did he do anything 'illegal'?
Reverend Phelps said:
I am far from a retard, if it took retardation to be banned 90% of this board would be gone.

I already figured that out. You are 'far' from a retard alright. Retards tend to display greater intellect than a Jerry Falwell wannabe. What next? Are you going to cry at having been caught licking your momma's 'carpet'? Will you beg for everyone's forgiveness upon having been caught in such an incestuous act?
Sarek said:
Yes. Criminal stupidity.

Then his complaints are valid and hold truth? He was banned here for nothing other than everyone disagreeing with what he had to say? Hmm. I smell hypocrisy yet again.

Myself, I had good reason to be banned to DAYCARE. The silly REVEREND did not. HYPOCRISY!
No, the only thing you smell is your shit on the "reverends" dick. Of course, it could be the other way around too. I wasn't paying attention.
Sarek said:
No, the only thing you smell is your shit on the "reverends" dick. Of course, it could be the other way around too. I wasn't paying attention.

I have been well aware of your addiction to the great SAINTLUCIFER since the day I signed up so your desire to follow me has become rather old. You follow about TROLL KINGDOM so often that I am almost afraid to stop lest you ram into me and attempt to shove your cock up my asshole. Perhaps this is the reason for your infatuation with REVEREND? You know he is one of the religious lefties who seek to rape little altar boys so you dress up as an altar boy and hope for the best yes? Why waste time with the subterfuge? Come right out and tell him you want his tiny cock up your fat asshole? Enough with the foreplay. Get to business bitch!

You were actually lucid for about 6 posts there Luci. To bad the mental instability set in so quick this time.
Sarek said:

You were actually lucid for about 6 posts there Luci. To bad the mental instability set in so quick this time.

That would be 'too' and 'quickly' oh dear GENIUS. It's bad enough I must see duals faking poor English only to learn you are not faking the same at all.
Sarek said:
Yes. Criminal stupidity.

REVEREND was banned to DAYCARE for his display of criminal stupidity? That would explain your very own presence here although I have seen far worse of the same from you. According to such logic, you would be IP-banned and the police contacted by you if one determines a punishment level by degree of criminal stupidity as displayed by the individual.
Cranky Bastard said:
Sarek walks the path of mental vacuity, alone....

Sarek is at best a fag-enabler, however I am willing to bet he has had his backside filled with rancid fag semen. He fears the truth, that is why he tries to put me down. I have something on my side he does not, God.
Reverend Phelps said:
Sarek is at best a fag-enabler, however I am willing to bet he has had his backside filled with rancid fag semen. He fears the truth, that is why he tries to put me down. I have something on my side he does not, God.

More than likely you have your 'GOD' up your asshole. Tell me, is that the name of the company which manufactured that motorised dildo you speak of or is it a name you have given it? I heard you drilled this motorised dildo apparatus against your bedroom wall so that whenever you feel the urge, you simple get up naked, point your asshole at the business end of the dildo and walk backwards towards the wall. You have a remote control by your bed which allows you to activate this motorised dildo which has the word 'GOD' written upon it. You have 'age' settings for the custom-made dildo. The 'ages' range from 4 years of age up to 12 years of age. This way if you can pretend you are whatever age whilst being fucked by the dildo.
It is my belief you accidentally stuck the business end of this dildo into your ear thus scrambling what few brains you had remaining. This is why you cannot understand what I have been pointing out to you from the very first time you were DAYCARED. The dildo in your ear scrambled your brains into mush thus making anything anyone has to say unintelligible.