Troll Kingdom

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The Messenger doesn't give a fuck about the Messenger threads thread


New member
You see when Shatna comments on stuff like this it's a "joke" and a bit of "fun" but when you do it, it is deadly serious stuff that proves once and for all your life is lived based on their spam so they have obviously "pwned" you a good one.
Listen kids, I said you were taking this seriously because you took a breezy post I made, which referenced events in a similar thread, and promptly informed me that I was feeling "burned" by Tamar. I'm an articulate enough fellow, I could express my burnage any dozen of other ways, but you glommed onto a simple one-liner like I had just thrown a fit or something.

Question: if you have to make a point of telling someone they've been trolled, have they indeed been trolled? Or has the troller become the trolled?

This is all too complicated for me, but then I'm not a troll.

Oh, and yes, by even making this post I have been TOTALLY PWNED! :D