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The Silence Is Deafening.


New member
There are even people in my church with knowledge of this. People all around called-friends, people whom others are supposed to trust, I expect the silence out of my enemies...........they have something to hide. What do the rest of you have to hide??? Something I already don't know??
That cannot be it, I am the person who has informed a lot of you. You have been in the dark about a lot things yet you have let me suffer, you have watched what has happened to me and not ONE single person has had the decency to come to me and say...............Look, I am going to tell you the TRUTH about what has happened here.
NO..........that will NEVER happen with any of you. One thing is for sure, it hasn't phased any of you watch me struggle for my life, you have watched me lose everything I have.
This is amazing.
The worst part of all for me is how you all stood by and let me take the fall for crimes I didn't commit. There are hundreds if not thousands of people who have stood idly by and done nothing.

I think Robert LayMan..........someone whom I met at CHURCH.........summed it up pretty well when I asked his advice about my employment problem.

"Well.........true, you cannot lie on an employment application because it could create another set of legal problems for you so just tell a prospective employer the truth. Tell them you had a false criminal online harassment charge brought against you on a troll board run by government employees, criminals, military..........tell them you had a previous arrest record and Burglary charge forged against you. This is a conspiracy.........then move on with your life"

The majority of my employment experience has been in Human Resource and handling other people's money.
Your ability to spew the same insane, asinine shit year in and year out is the only thing impressive about you. Get a new story.

Better yet, go die.
That's It!!!! i have had enough out of you. I am sending out my posse up there and she has been known to make grown men cry. She is a mighty warrior...............she will kick your punk ass and make you whimper like the pussy you are.

*shoots TheQuestion the finger*
TQ...........reign in your arrogance.

Greed/Sex have been the downfall of many on these boards. I urge the "Good Guys" to keep their arrogance in check.

but what the hell...................nobody ever listens to me. Except DS/VKD!

Individual civil disobedience was everybody's inherent right, like the right to self-defense in normal life.

The only thing that separates us from the brute, with which we have so much in common, is the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong.

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.

It is the nature of power and authority to justify itself so that it can continue to lie and cheat the people in order to retain power.

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been TYRANTS and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end they always fall.................always.

I have found a new Super Sekret forum that none of you will ever find out about because it is SUPER Sekret. We plot how to rid the world of evildoers and mean people like you on the internet.

The guy who started it has really good plans for how we will accomplish our goals so I would be careful if I was you TheQuestionableSaint.
Oh, just shut the fuck up already -- can ya? Do you have the capacity to NOT spew retarded gibberish? Is it at all within your power to keep your lunacy to yourself?