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The Whole Insanity Issue


New member

I remember a long, long time ago CoyoteUgly used to encourage everyone to try to learn something from me but his pleas fell on deaf, stupid ears.

This whole insanity thing everyone forced on me ending up working pretty well!! When I saw what everyone was doing I knew it was useless fighting it so I can to come up with a good strategy for it to work in my favor and since I had years of experience working with more insane people than me it was pretty easy!!

There is a thin line between insanity and genius.

TheQuestion fell for it more than anyone.........I totally convinced him I was insane. What does that tell you about him? Hell........I smacked him down to ZERO.


Anyway, I had fun with it for the most part because I made myself laugh when all of you fell for it. I tried to interject humour into some of it but most of you just didn't GIT it.

Oh geebus!! Someone posted my IP?? whatever will I do?? Someone posted my false criminal record with all my vital stats on several message boards too.

They are the people I am hunting down like dawgs. I have also recruited someone that NONE of you know. I was sent to him on a mission. I would be afraid if I were all of you.

Very afraid. Lets put it this way..........I wouldn't fuck with any of them. I also let him know I am TOTALLY and UNEQUIVOCABLY on their side. We spoke in sekret code to each other. I will be giving him information as I see the need to give for I shall be asking his advice.

As far as DS..........he has never betrayed any of you. I am the one who clutters up his mailbox and text. Didn't you see his annoyance?? I need to quit doing it, but he is the only person I could confide in. I have found someone real life.
I will buy you a new pair after I start working again.

And if that report you gave checks out in my favour. I sure hope it was a glowing report of ME.
What I would like to know is DID THOSE FUCKING GERMAN BASTARDS FROM IBM try to poison me and my dogs with carbon monoxide??? I didn't start using my heat until December and we all starting getting pretty listless around that time. Thank G*d for my bodyguards around here and the person who was taking care of my dogs when I left for a week.
I went out and bought a carbon monoxide detector in January and there were still traces of it in my house so I had to air it out and clean all my filters. Fucking assholes. Its not bad enough you forge a criminal charge and previous arrest record, take away my ability to earn a living but fucking poison my dogs??? Thats the second try on the poisoning thing.

You guys shouldn't have done that. I stepped up my Operation after that. Now I have a posse.
How is that for insanity??

You ain't seen nothing yet.


I am LaFemmeNikita/MI-5/Mossad/FBI all rolled up into one.

I am insane too.

It makes for a lethal combination.
When I started getting headaches I knew something was wrong. I don't get headaches unless it is that time of the month.

Now.............lets rehash this point.

LaFemmeNikita/MI-5/Mossad/FBI/Pre-Menes.......................You Are Fucked.
It's the modern-day way of gassing Jews. Pipe it in through your air ducts. Just a little fyi for any Jews out there or anyone who may have ties to them. Go to Home Depot and buy one of the detectors..........they are kind of expensive but well worth it in a long run.
It doesn't hurt to know the side-effects of carbon monoxide poisoning either. I noticed it in my oldest dog first, she didn't want to come back inside (she loves being indoors), she dug a pit along the outside of the house and would lay there completely still. It started getting harder to arouse her.

Me...........on the other a hell of lot tougher than any of you know. It's genetic.
Plus I owe a BIG debt of gratitude to the person who was watching my dogs when I was gone, she became alarmed when Sissy got sick, then shit all over the place so she called me. She even cleaned it up and everything, I felt so bad she had to do that.

I told her to turn the heat/fans/unit off, the dogs would be fine in the cold weather.
You see how all of these bastards fed me to the wolves. None of them helped until I threw them pieces of information. Then you watched them turn on each other, tell on each other in order to save their own asses.


There aren't many saints in this whole equation.