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thing of FUCKDAMNITALLTOHELL the day! (thing+72)


I want to smell dark matter
this has nothing to do with robot slave man thing


"I could kill them all with but a word," he said with no hint of sarcasm.

"Surely not," she said, trembling as his power.

"Truly," he said. "I could turn the tribes against each other, start a war that would leave them all dead and your people free."

"What are you!?"

"I am what you would call a wizard," he said.

"Wizard's don't kill. It says so in the Book..."

"The Book knows nothing of what we are."

"The Book is the devine word of Castek!"

"No, it is just a book."

" wouldn't though...kill them all..."

"You do no desire their deaths?"


"But they have enslaved your people. Driven you out to these caves, where you met could say that our meeting was meant to be. You followers of Castek believe in destiny, don't you?" he said, with a sardonic laugh.

"We also believe that murder is wrong, no matter the circumstances."

"Yes, what a ridiculous belief to have."

"Castek was a great man, wiser than any who have lived!"

"Castek was a fraud. A tool of the ruling tribes, to keep the superstitious masses in line."

"You lie!" And, in truth, he was lying a little. That was one theory, certainly, but to the wizard's frustration it was hard even for him to find any concrete facts on Castek, even with all the magic at his disposal.

"It matters not, either way to me, if they live or die," the wizard said.

"Don't you value human life at all?" she asked, disgusted that she'd ever shared a bed with this man.

"No," he said, truthfully. "Humans are a plague on the land, all of them. Even myself. We are greedy, selfish, violent...evil. The fewer humans, the better. Perhaps I will kill them, simply for my own amusement. Watching them butcher each other would be satisfying. Just a word..."

"Please, don't, for me?"

"Do you think I care about you?"

"Yes! You must...surely...we made love."

"I have shared this cave with many women before you. I cast them all out when I grew weary of them. I believe I shall do the same to you now."

"Please, don't kill anyone!"

And, for whatever reason, he felt that maybe he shouldn't. It was true that, with a properly placed word, he really could bring about a war. It was a skill he'd never used before. Still, why shouldn't he? Everything he had said about humans was true. And yet, as he looked at this woman, pleading for the lives of those who had persecuted her people...he felt something.

"Okay, I won't," he said.

"Thank you. Do you want me to leave now?"

He considered this for a moment. "No," he said. "Stay...please. Tell me of Castek."
Was he a great man or was he a fraud? DUN dun DUNNNNNN!!! find out on the next episode.