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Thing of the day, onetwothree edition (thing+123)


I want to smell dark matter
you know how I said there would be no more token things of the day?



is it a lie if I acknowledge that it was a lie?

yes, of course


if I type a lot of stuff anyway by accident then it will no longer be a token thing of the day then will i?T

even if I started it off as a otken thing of the day

the reules alerjdfghg


maybe I should make a TOLKIEN thing of the day lol

WHEN MISTER BILBOB BAGGINS was 102 years he felt very old indeed and wondered when death would take him but at the same time he feared death because it meant the end of everything from his point of view, the end of his own existence the end of his ability to perceive the universe and therefore the end of the universe so he decided to sell his soul to the dark wizard Saruman in exchange for immortality

"you did the right thing," said Saruman, patting Bilbob's head. "oh by the way did I tell you that the price for eternal life is that you will be LOCKED IN MY DUNGEON FOREVER?"

"no, you didn't!" said Bilbob.

"GUARDS, TAKE HIM AWAY!" said Saruaman and his guards did and locked BIlbob up deep undergruond.

"well, at least I don't have to deal with my relatives down here!" said Bilbob and then he just lay down and for the first two years he did just enjoy the rest but eventually he got bored then eventually he went made and started calling himself BOLLUM.

ANYWAY in the meatime Saruman used the once pure soul of Bilbob as a power source to kill Gandalf and find the location of the One Ring whcih was still in Hobbiton and he marched back there and took it and with that one ring Saruman took control of the whole of middle earth and ruled for hundreds of years.

yet eventually a brave man, a descendant of Aragorn and Arewn Evenstar, overthrew Saruman and brought peace to Middle EArth and over the next few hundred years a new Golden Age for all people and dwarves and elves and hobbits was begun in Middle EArth and it was at this time that Bollum was finally released from the dungeon.

"well, this isn't so bad!" he said, on seeing the new world, for he had completely missed the rule of Saruman which he wrought and was happy and went to live in a cave and eat fish forever







anyway I think the difference between you and me is that you have chemicals coursing through your body which distract you from the realities of existence and make you feel things and emotions and let you relate to and interact with other poeple and I COMPELTEY lack these chemcials so that I'm just a kind of shell of man carrying a rudimentary brain and any attempt to introduce those chemicals through PILLZ LOL always fails because my body isn't built to be able to handle feeling things anyway so I just end up a jibbering, quivering mess but really I am the next evolution of humanity and in a thousand years eveyrone will be like me and the world will be a better place and there will be no war or religion or rape or trolling but unfortunately I'll be long dead by then oh well sucks for me