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This is a True Story!!


New member
I spammed this one to Sardy after I started having fun over at and he spammed it back to me. I met this guy on, we went out a couple of times, then around Thanksgiving, I drove to his really nice brand new Condo on the golf course, we went out in his brand new jeep, then came back to his really nice brand new condo with brand new furniture. What happened after that was like flashing back to the late 70's!!!
It was when my bestfriend and I were in college, got our first apt and loved to go out partying!!! One of our really good friends, I will refer to him as Nub from here on, used to tag along with us in our ManHunts!! We let him come along because he was cute, had money/bought all the drinks, was really nice and always had good pot. One night, after we had been out on the town with Nub, bestfriend and I were talking about the night and we couldn't figure out why Nub couldn't keep a girlfriend???? I mean.............after all, he was a Senior Engineering student, was cute~~blond hair/blue eyes, tall, had money and good pot!!! He could "catch" girls, but he didn't seem to hold their interest long. We started feeling really sorry for him and decided to take him with us the next night (Sat) and he if couldn't find a girl to have sex with, we would take him home and have a threesome.
The next night, we all went out, had loads of fun, had too much to drink and when we got back to the apt, we smoked some killer weed he brought!!! Bestfriend and I already had a gameplan for Nub, so we grabbed him by the hand, pulled him off the couch and told him we were going to have a threesome with him. He all got in bed, D was supposed to go first and I was so stoned I just vegged out. When nothing seemed to be happening, I came back to life and looked over and D appeared to have fallen asleep and Nub was laying there with his pants unzipped. I thought to myself...........GREAT!!! Now I am going to have to this party going!! I rolled over on top of Nub, wiggled around on top of him, couldn't feel anything rubbing back "down there", so I decided his dick must have been tucked under and was going up his back. I reached down to pull it out..............I couldn't find anything.........I started feeling around and all of a sudden I felt this little Nub-like thing. I lost interest shortly after that and rolled over and fell asleep. The next day, Bestfriend and I were like..............that was some killer weed Nub brought last night!!! and she was like..........I got so stoned I couldn't even find his dick!! and I was like............Ooooohhhhh, I think I found something.............but I don't think it was a dick!!!! it was a NUB!!!! We had a good laugh and vowed we would never try that again. That was my one and only threesome.

I called Bestfriend after having a date with guy with all the NEW stuff. I said.............Bestfriend!!!!! what are the odds of something happening to me that happened to both of us when we were 19????? She started laughing so hard that I wasted 10 of my cell phone minutes.

What is really weird about all of this..........I told him I had read something at TrollKingdom, do you ever get on message boards? are you missmanners??? when I axed the last question.............he grabbed me and started kissing me. He was a pretty good kisser.