Troll Kingdom

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This Thread Made For The Purpose Of NOT Going Insane.

The Question

We seem to have accrued a surplus of insanity in this forum this morning. Consider this thread a refuge wherein you can feel free to behave maturely and responsibly.

I'm asking each of you, as a personal favor, to keep at least this one thread drama-free.

So Menty, how ya doin' this fine afternoon?
Oh you know, thinking about getting touched by strangers. Thinking about how wonderful it is that kids are getting touched all over the world by their parents.

Stuff like that!

The Cherub is a nasty little demon.

Wait, is this image appropriate? It does violate the 'no nudity' rule as well as the 'nothing which makes us think about child abuse' rule.

Please don't. I have to watch that when I get home, I can't take it here as well..
Ahhh.... I slept until my normal time of 5:30 am. Lucky me...;)

Now I didn't say I got up at that time. I just lay and listen to the birds chirping at my feeders for a while. Then usually I peel my body off the sheets sometime after 6:00 when I smell the aroma of coffee drifting up to my room.
Ahh, you're a Northern bastard. I'm a Southern Softie from Brighton. And yes, I do think Pete is safe, innit!