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Three Possibles From Arkansas

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
In 2008, there is the possibility of three candidates for US President with ties to Arkansas.


Really from Chicago, but lived here so long we still haven't gotten rid of her stench.


General Wesley Clark. Arkansan native and pretty nice guy. He ran last time on the Democrat ticket and is thinking of doing it again.


Our current governor, Mike Huckabee. A Republican and ordained Baptist minister. Trivia: born in the same town as Bill Clinton.

None of these are exactly stellar choices, but if faced with this line up...I'd have to go with Clark on the Democratic ticket. I gnaw my own arm off before I voted for Gubna Mike.
I'll have to go with none of the above, Bob.

Clark's behavior during the 2004 election turned me off of him. Plus, anybody who has Madonna's vote probably doesn't have mine.
I might be forced to vote Liberterian again.

Voted for Bush the last few times, but unless Condie is running I don't see any stellar Rep. choices for the job.
There will never be a President Huckabee. The country's allies and enemies alike would laugh themselves into explosive flatulence. Also, considering how well the Bush sequel turned out, a Clinton sequel could only be as bad if not worse. A former General as President wouldn't be too bad -- but Clark isn't that General.
Oh, and I give good odds Pat Buchanan will run, at least in primary season. He's persistent like that.

He's also not going to get anywhere.

Did I mention that how primary seasons work is part of how the US electoral system is screwed up? It is.
Out of the first choices, It would be a toss-up between Clinton and Clark. Clark wouldn't win head-to-head against a primary with Clinton, but I wouldn't mind having either be the next president.
Why does everyone keep insisting that Clinton is a viable canidate? Beyond being a woman (debatable), she could keep tabs on or control her own HUSBAND! Now you all expect her to run the Country?
Shit, Alask would be screwing around with some Russian Babe, Hawaii would run off with French Polenesa, and we'd loose Maine to NewFoundland (or however you spell it). Clinton for me.
Friday said:
Eh. Guiliani or McCain. End of Story.

Actually, you'd probably like Huckabee. He's one of the most liberal Republicans I've ever seen. His solution to any problem is to throw money at it, and that's why our state education is in a horrible mess right now.
My solution would be to take everybody's money away, and make them fight grunge-style for every penny. That way, it would mean something to them and they wouldn't waste it.

But I'm funny like that.