Batmanz pole
New member
No current ongoing actions. Preliminary preperations are still underway to properly equip core league members. Wonder Woman will update as more information is available.
Batman said:The avatar matters not, only that he plans to defend TK to his last post.
ValKilmer'sdick said:The Last Post is what you'll be hear played at your collective funerals once we destroy you.
Messenger said:Welcome to troll kingdom TKDL
isn't it abit hypocritical for you to restore a members' karma when he negged us first? You are a "defense league" right? if one of us negs the other all hell breaks lose but gagh and the everyone can neg us all they want and not take the consequences. heh
It is not hypocritical in the least for us to award positive TKarma to members here. Their actons against you are in response to your threats, demands, and generally nefarious actions towards our members here.
Superman will give a more specific statement about the Leagues purpose in a release later this evening
, but suffice it to say, we are a defensive organization currently, and not an offensive. We have not given out any negative TKarma to your members, nor do we plan to. Yet.
Your actions will dictate our reactions, and giving negative karma to those who oppose your attempts to take TK hostage at large necessitates us protecting them from you. Those are our orders.