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To apease Number_6...


New member
I've been rather impressed with President Bush's public appearances and press meetings this week. He spoke more candidly on the war then he ever has, and his exclusive interview with Brian Williams on Monday actually seemed a bit genuine, though his responses and facial expression were a bit awkward at times. We've always known Bush's strongpoint was not appearing in public, but I have to hand it to him. His PR people did their jobs this week.
He's not satisfied, he thinks it's like saying about a black person "he's so articulate!" as if it's not to be expected of a black person.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
You are ostensibly praising President Bush for being genuine and candid, but your turn around and say, "His PR people did their jobs this week." Meaning it was anything but candid or genuine, it was staged and phony.
This only supports the scurrilous charge that Leftists are appeasers!!!

Well it's true. Moonbat crazy liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy send Osama bin Laden care packages full of muffins made according to a secret recipe passed down by arch-appeaser Neville Chaimberlin. EVERBODY knows that!
Thank God (The American God, Jesus Christ, not no turban "god" like Allah or Zeus) you've finally seen the light. They've finally taught you some facts at that University of yours!
Big Dick McGee said:
You are ostensibly praising President Bush for being genuine and candid, but your turn around and say, "His PR people did their jobs this week." Meaning it was anything but candid or genuine, it was staged and phony.

Not quite. I don't see the President and his staff, which includes people whose main job is to make him look good and legitimate, as being seperate entities. They are all part of the bureaucracy, and the president is the most noticable face of that cast. Even if you are told how to answer a question, or how to cover your bases, it doesn't mean its not genuine. There is a reason those people have their jobs, and I'm telling you that this week, they earned their paycheck.
Thank God (The American God, Jesus Christ, not no turban "god" like Allah or Zeus) you've finally seen the light. They've finally taught you some facts at that University of yours!

They didn't teach me that at university. I know the truth because one night, as I was nodding off the sleep, Nancy Pelosi snuck into my room and raped me. She's a flesh-eating succubus sent by Satan to steal the Precious Bodily Fluids of American Men!