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Today's young girls are begging for it

Thug Angel

New member
I just came from dinner, and being a Friday night, chicks were everywhere in this bar. Im talking about high school age bitches who were explicitly dressed and were basically begging for it. What's up w/today's parents allowing their daughters to go out dressed like hookers? One chick had her thong showing (and a great ass). Another was wearing a top w/her midriff showing and her nipples were harder than the Rock of Gibraltar. They couldn't have been much older than 16. I tried to talk to them for a minute, but ppl looked at me in the bar like I was a pervert and there was a cop picking up some takeout, so I chose discretion for a change and got a number and moved on. I figure when girls do that, they're basically saying "I want it." I'm not saying I'm going to do anything w/this girl. I won't break the law. It just shouldnt be illegal if consent is given. It aint fair.
I'm not sure why Thug Angel gets tagged as a perv by the cops. He seems like a nice normal guy..
CoyoteUgly said:
They do it because they know it gives them power over weak minds like yours.

No. They have NO power over me. If push comes to shove and I can't stand it anymore, I'll just take it. Chicks dig that anyway. They LOVE men who take charge and show them what they want. They don't like wimps. Especially younger women. They're unsure about themselves, so sometimes you have to get aggressive and force yourself on them. They might battle you a bit but then ecstasy kicks in and they let you have it and they enjoy it. Trust me I've been around the block and I know women.
I'm not sure why Thug Angel gets tagged as a perv by the cops. He seems like a nice normal guy

Being attacted to women and wanting to plant your wick in their warm pudding makes you a perv? Since when?
Thug Angel said:
Being attacted to women and wanting to plant your wick in their warm pudding makes you a perv? Since when?
Maybe you should spell 'attracted' right. Unless you really meant 'attacked'
Girls are such teases. Poor guys.
Thug Angel said:
I just came from dinner, and being a Friday night, chicks were everywhere in this bar. Im talking about high school age bitches who were explicitly dressed and were basically begging for it. What's up w/today's parents allowing their daughters to go out dressed like hookers? One chick had her thong showing (and a great ass). Another was wearing a top w/her midriff showing and her nipples were harder than the Rock of Gibraltar. They couldn't have been much older than 16. I tried to talk to them for a minute, but ppl looked at me in the bar like I was a pervert and there was a cop picking up some takeout, so I chose discretion for a change and got a number and moved on. I figure when girls do that, they're basically saying "I want it." I'm not saying I'm going to do anything w/this girl. I won't break the law. It just shouldnt be illegal if consent is given. It aint fair.

Most curious. Females of high-school age in a bar? Does not the U.S of A. have a law that specifies one must be 21 years of age to get into a bar? I could have sworn that was the case. Not only that but a cop was present and he walked right past the bitches you speak of without uttering a word? Someone's lying yet again. Perhaps you were really at a neighbourhood McDonald's whereupon you took the time to ogle underage girls and leer at them yes? We all know a tiny, skinny NIGGERSPIC fuck like you would get the shit kicked out of him for even attempting to look at a female over 21 years of age and by the females at that. You fancy yourself a writer, even a novelist (you stated as much in TROLL WARS) therefore I take this thread to be part of that process. The above is a story, nothing more than a figment of your perverted imagination. You know you are such a sad and pathetic individual that you write stories about things you WISH would happen to you in a ridiculous attempt to make yourself seem more interesting. I for one absolutely do not buy your ridiculous fairy tales although I cannot state the same for the idiots on this site. They are free to believe what they will. Their own Constitution grants them that right. Since you have such an active imagination regarding young children (can you say 'pedophile'?) I would suggest perhaps you write fairy tales for the same yes? From what I have determined of your posts, it cannot be that difficult for you to come up with some stories if only you would take yourself away from all those pictures of little girls you snapped with your Minolta camera when no one was looking. You know, I bet you hang around schoolyards watching little girls and letting your mind play stories regarding those girls in your head. No doubt you have jerked off in front of little girls before yet the only reason you have yet to be caught would be the simple reason you have threatened them. Although you are only 5'3" you remain taller than those very little girls you seek to have sexual relations with. I daresay parents should be on the lookout for you. I say we obtain this fool's name from the Admins at TROLL WARS and find his location. Once this is done, we post a picture of him as being part of the Sex Offenders ward. The picture will include a warning for all parents to peruse.
Love Child said:
Maybe you should spell 'attracted' right. Unless you really meant 'attacked'
Girls are such teases. Poor guys.
They're begging for it either way. I think you deserve what you get if you tease
SaintLucifer said:
Most curious. Females of high-school age in a bar? Does not the U.S of A. have a law that specifies one must be 21 years of age to get into a bar? I could have sworn that was the case.

Fake IDs. They're easy enough to come across if you know the right people...
Thug Angel said:
They're begging for it either way. I think you deserve what you get if you tease

You look like a faggot. Another faggot may like the way you wear your clothing and determine you to be a tease. If you rapes your asshole would this not be your above logic being played out? What? That has already happened to you? I gathered as much. Natch.
SaintLucifer said:
Most curious. Females of high-school age in a bar? Does not the U.S of A. have a law that specifies one must be 21 years of age to get into a bar? I could have sworn that was the case. Not only that but a cop was present and he walked right past the bitches you speak of without uttering a word? Someone's lying yet again. Perhaps you were really at a neighbourhood McDonald's whereupon you took the time to ogle underage girls and leer at them yes? We all know a tiny, skinny NIGGERSPIC fuck like you would get the shit kicked out of him for even attempting to look at a female over 21 years of age and by the females at that. You fancy yourself a writer, even a novelist (you stated as much in TROLL WARS) therefore I take this thread to be part of that process. The above is a story, nothing more than a figment of your perverted imagination. You know you are such a sad and pathetic individual that you write stories about things you WISH would happen to you in a ridiculous attempt to make yourself seem more interesting. I for one absolutely do not buy your ridiculous fairy tales although I cannot state the same for the idiots on this site. They are free to believe what they will. Their own Constitution grants them that right. Since you have such an active imagination regarding young children (can you say 'pedophile'?) I would suggest perhaps you write fairy tales for the same yes? From what I have determined of your posts, it cannot be that difficult for you to come up with some stories if only you would take yourself away from all those pictures of little girls you snapped with your Minolta camera when no one was looking. You know, I bet you hang around schoolyards watching little girls and letting your mind play stories regarding those girls in your head. No doubt you have jerked off in front of little girls before yet the only reason you have yet to be caught would be the simple reason you have threatened them. Although you are only 5'3" you remain taller than those very little girls you seek to have sexual relations with. I daresay parents should be on the lookout for you. I say we obtain this fool's name from the Admins at TROLL WARS and find his location. Once this is done, we post a picture of him as being part of the Sex Offenders ward. The picture will include a warning for all parents to peruse.
Can you ever make your point in 2 sentences? I'm not reading all that shit.

All I'll say is I was AT the bar in a restaurant. Notice I said I came from DINNER, meaning I was at a restaurant -- not a watering hole or a club. Most restaurants have bars, disphit. Families come in all the time. So do young girls on a Friday night. You're so eager to hump my leg you can't control yourself. I don't hang around schoolyards, but I've had consensual relations w/attractive young girls. I dont' see a problem w/it. Good pussy is good pussy.
S. SaDiablo said:
Fake IDs. They're easy enough to come across if you know the right people...

You are a total MORON. No one is going to let a 16 year old in, fake ID or no. I have NEVER in my life seen or known a 16 year old girl who managed to get into a bar. The youngest I have ever seen would be an 18 year old and here in Canada, unlike the 'free' U.S.A., the legal drinking age is 19 years of age. I know girls who have tried but they never managed to do it. I have seen 18 year-olds get turned down at our L.C.B.O. stores because the store manager knew a fake ID when he saw one. Now shut the fuck up and try your stupidity elsewhere.
SaintLucifer said:
You look like a faggot. Another faggot may like the way you wear your clothing and determine you to be a tease. If you rapes your asshole would this not be your above logic being played out? What? That has already happened to you? I gathered as much. Natch.
I'm such a pretty muthafukka, I'm sure faggots like me too. I can't help it if God made me beautiful. Be nice, and I'll let you wax my knob one day, queerboy
Thug Angel said:
No. They have NO power over me. If push comes to shove and I can't stand it anymore, I'll just take it. Chicks dig that anyway. They LOVE men who take charge and show them what they want. They don't like wimps. Especially younger women. They're unsure about themselves, so sometimes you have to get aggressive and force yourself on them. They might battle you a bit but then ecstasy kicks in and they let you have it and they enjoy it. Trust me I've been around the block and I know women.

This shtick has been done before, and believe me, much, much better. Go learn from a real Master; go read some Skinofevil in the Historical forum. Sweetie you are a rank armature compared to Skin.
SaintLucifer said:
You are a total MORON. No one is going to let a 16 year old in, fake ID or no. I have NEVER in my life seen or known a 16 year old girl who managed to get into a bar. The youngest I have ever seen would be an 18 year old and here in Canada, unlike the 'free' U.S.A., the legal drinking age is 19 years of age. I know girls who have tried but they never managed to do it. I have seen 18 year-olds get turned down at our L.C.B.O. stores because the store manager knew a fake ID when he saw one. Now shut the fuck up and try your stupidity elsewhere.
What a dumb fuck you are. If you know someone at the bar, like if you're a hot chick and some horny older guy wants to get you drunk and bang you later in the night, they can conveniently turn the other way. Happens all the time dipshit. Besides, I was in the bar area of a restaurant. Those girls weren't drinking. They were coming in to eat before they went out for the night, where they probably got drunk and fucked by strangers. Dirty little cave whores
SaintLucifer said:
You are a total MORON. No one is going to let a 16 year old in, fake ID or no. I have NEVER in my life seen or known a 16 year old girl who managed to get into a bar. The youngest I have ever seen would be an 18 year old and here in Canada, unlike the 'free' U.S.A., the legal drinking age is 19 years of age. I know girls who have tried but they never managed to do it. I have seen 18 year-olds get turned down at our L.C.B.O. stores because the store manager knew a fake ID when he saw one. Now shut the fuck up and try your stupidity elsewhere.

*sigh* Lucy, I know plenty of people who managed it.
Caitriona said:
This shtick has been done before, and believe me, much, much better. Go learn from a real Master; go read some Skinofevil in the Historical forum. Sweetie you are a rank armature compared to Skin.
No, I actually mean what I say. I've had oral from a young girl but I've never had sex with one. I'm not going to jail for that shit
Caitriona said:
This shtick has been done before, and believe me, much, much better. Go learn from a real Master; go read some Skinofevil in the Historical forum. Sweetie you are a rank armature compared to Skin.
One more thing, if you don't like it, get off my thread and go pick your hole, trick bitch. When I decide I want a bloody rag to give me her input, I'll ask for it. Otherwise, go do some laundry and slop some cocks so you can make yourself useful
Thug Angel said:
Can you ever make your point in 2 sentences? I'm not reading all that shit.

All I'll say is I was AT the bar in a restaurant. Notice I said I came from DINNER, meaning I was at a restaurant -- not a watering hole or a club. Most restaurants have bars, disphit. Families come in all the time. So do young girls on a Friday night. You're so eager to hump my leg you can't control yourself. I don't hang around schoolyards, but I've had consensual relations w/attractive young girls. I dont' see a problem w/it. Good pussy is good pussy.

Nope. If you were there between 8:00 to 2:00 a.m., kids are not allowed in. One cannot have a 'bar' with kids around. I am certain California has exactly the same laws in that regard as Ontario does. Kids get booted out. It is either a bar or a family restaurant. It cannot be both.

No doubt you WISH you had consensual relations with underage girls. I am absolutely positive you have not. Whether the sex was consensual or not, it is considered RAPE when you do such. Here is why I know you are full of shit. Very tough hombres have had 'consensual' relations with girls 17 years of age in my province and ended up behind bars. Can you guess what happened to such hombres when their cellmates found out what they were in for? You can rest assured their assholes were several sizes larger then when they first entered the prison population. As a result, tough fuckers fear going near such girls. Prison time for such a crime is rather lengthy. It is not worth the risk. This alone is proof you are full of shit. All it takes is for you to piss off ONE bitch and you are history. She need only point her finger at you and suddenly you have become BUBBA's bitch in one of your state prisons. I have seen it happen. It was not a pretty sight. Fucker was crying for his mommy. Why? He knew he was going to become new meat in one of our provincial institutions.