Troll Kingdom

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Questions are for fags and hippies.

Hey, Scott mentioned that he was here once and he found the place to imbecilic with one liners and short trolls.
We need to start some longer thoughtout trolls.
My only problen is the lack of time I can put into it.
Blindgroping said:
Questions are for fags and hippies.

Hey, Scott mentioned that he was here once and he found the place to imbecilic with one liners and short trolls.
We need to start some longer thoughtout trolls.
My only problen is the lack of time I can put into it.

We need to start trolling other boards. Last really good "Official TK Brand" troll that more than one of us was involved in was when MM and I smacked the ComiClowns around.
The Question said:
We need to start trolling other boards. Last really good "Official TK Brand" troll that more than one of us was involved in was when MM and I smacked the ComiClowns around.

I know a good place to do your holocaust theory at;)
you're already a member there;) If you can remember your login that is:P Oh and you could fuck with Jillian at the same time :bigass:
Blindgroping said:
What would be a worthy topic for discussion here?

Since you find our babble rather blah, blah, blah.

Not your babble; just the whole DLA silliness and all that's accompanied it.

I'm not sure what we should be talking about in here anymore. The original idea was to have somewhat serious discussions in these fora, but the TK membership seems to have nixed that idea through non-participation, spamming, etc.

We tried the book discussions, but the tail-end of The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress coincided with the DLA crap, so that discusssion died.

Speaking for myself, I'm just bored with this current incarnation of TK. I think the DLA stuff ran its course a long time ago, and I can't believe anyone is still interested in that little game, let alone creating a forum for it. I'm also tired of all of the duals, period, and haven't seen much worthwhile in any of the supposedly new posters who started arriving last October or so.

I thought that the purpose of Troll Kingdom was to troll other boards. Instead, the newbies and duals want to troll TK itself, which seems a tremendous waste of time and energy.
so the expert trolls can dish it out but can't take it when trolling comes into their own backyard?

A metaphor for the current US republican administration? LOL!
Trolling ourselves is BORING.
And that;'s not the purpose of this board.
Go find a newplace, troll it, and comeback here to laugh about it.
^^Yeah, he doesn't get it. He thinks he's successfully trolling TK, when all he's doing is boring most of us to death.

He hasn't brought trolling to our backyard; just mindless spamming.

Yes, you can ruin a board with spam, which is what you seem to be doing right now. But it's hardly the mark of cleverness, as it takes about as much brains as it would to come over to my house and shit all over the floor.
please point out where I'm spamming?

the new Ranter Retards are the ones currently fucking up TK.

and the new DLA forum wasn't even my idea, but since it's here, I'll make the most of it.
^^Same old shit about the DLA and taking over the board in most of your posts. Same TKarma/Points bullshit.

It's just not funny anymore. It was funny for the first couple of days, back in November. Now it's January, and you're still playing the same game.

Frankly, I'd rather have Jillian back.
Number_6 said:
Not your babble; just the whole DLA silliness and all that's accompanied it.

I'm not sure what we should be talking about in here anymore. The original idea was to have somewhat serious discussions in these fora, but the TK membership seems to have nixed that idea through non-participation, spamming, etc.

We tried the book discussions, but the tail-end of The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress coincided with the DLA crap, so that discusssion died.

Speaking for myself, I'm just bored with this current incarnation of TK. I think the DLA stuff ran its course a long time ago, and I can't believe anyone is still interested in that little game, let alone creating a forum for it. I'm also tired of all of the duals, period, and haven't seen much worthwhile in any of the supposedly new posters who started arriving last October or so.

I thought that the purpose of Troll Kingdom was to troll other boards. Instead, the newbies and duals want to troll TK itself, which seems a tremendous waste of time and energy.
Hmm...I seem to remember telling you this once before, but I'll say it again...

Your forum is your own little corner of TK, and you can shape it into whatever you choose. You have enough serious posters in here (me, you, TQ, Wordin, Blindgroping, etc) to have some pretty interesting debates (or arguments, as you prefer to call them).

Unfortunately, the book discussion came at a very inopportune time for me, or I would have participated.

Don't give up the ship just yet. (yeah, that one I distinctly remember ;) ).