Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
This is a new forum, devoted entirely to technical forum trolls. Since we got told to behave in the normal boards, we have set up a new board, where trolling is encouraged, and we have no hesitations to pointless threads, noob questions, going off topic and ganging up on others.
This forum is the main forum, devoted to anything you like, music, talk, politics, religion, your sneeze to cough ratio e.t.c. If you have anything such as a "what are you listening to?" thread, then post it in the music forum.
We would also like to point out that this is a welcoming forum! We do not push away those we do not like, or noobs (not even trolls!). So, if you have something, which is related to current affairs, and is likely to upset, post it in the "news & curent affairs" forum.
I will hopefully post some more guidelines soon!
Dom Weldon.
Just because we are free here, it doesn't mean we have no rules. If you break any of the following rules, expect a ban (perm. / temp.) near immediatley at the discretion of a moderator.
Do not post any content on this forum which may insight hatred on grounds of race, religion, creed, political belief or any other grounds.
Failure to comply with this rule will result in a permanent ban at the discretion of a mod.
Do not spam these forums.
This will always result in a ban.
Do not attempt to hack or negate the security of these forums.
This may result in an IP ban / legal action.
Do not impersonate a moderator, administrator or another user.
Expect a temp ban.
Do not post any obscene, violent or offensive content onto this forum.
This will result in a permanent ban.
If we all follow these rules, we can be sure to have a great forum.
Do not abuse the adverts!
It amused me for such a named site. :fib:UPDATE:
The beauty of this forum is that we have members of all ages, from many different countries, and who lead drastically different lives. Each member has something to offer that another may find either beneficial or, at the very least, entertaining.
While arguments about certain topics may become heated, please keep your discussions calm. There is nothing more potent than a graceful argument. To that end, ABSOLUTELY NO PERSONAL INSULTS WILL BE TOLERATED. If you can't put your points forward in a respectable manner, then the point is most likely not valid. Regardless of the strength of your convictions, resolving to personal insults will result in a warning or a temporary or permanent ban.
This rule applies to ALL members, moderators, and administrators.
To help our "regular members" not feel powerless, we are implementing the following policy. If any post is deemed offensive, regardless of author, then please report said post via PM to 2 admins. Appropriate action will be taken.
Thank You.