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Trust Me.....I know what I'm doing!!


New member
No I don't
Yes I do
Maybe I knew
Maybe I didn't

Who me??
Yes you.
Not me!
Then Who??


I would never fire a U.S. Attorney who is involved in investigating a Public Corruption case, criminal activity or obstruction of justice.
I would never fire a U.S. Attorney involved in constitution rights violations.

Nope! Not Me!! I was informed of the decision to fire them, I said they should be fired but was not involved in the process of who should or shouldn't be fired. I know why they were fired, but didn't review the process or anything. I made the decision, but I don't know what the rationale was behind it.
I would never fire a U.S. Attorney who is investigating a Public Corruption case. Oh...........WAIT!!!! Were two of the fired U.S. Attorney's investigating Public Corruption??? and all that other stuff they are supposed to investigate???

I did not have sexual relations with either one of them.
Grand Master U.S. Attorney Gonzales

Immigration?? We have illegal aliens in the country?? You are shitting me?? That cannot be the case because I fired all the U.S. Attorney's who were investigating illegal aliens so there is not a problem here.
Voter Fraud??

There aint no stinkin voter fraud going on!! Nope!! I made sure all the U.S. Attorney's investigating voter fraud were fired so there is not a problem with money laundering, Hitler or Voter Fraud.

The KKK does not exist. It is a figment of everyone's imagination. I know!! I am smarter than the rest of you so you need to move along. Cut you losses, go back to work.
You can't find a job because of forged criminal charges our office made up on you because you question us???

Too bad. You are easily squashed. Point made.

Point taken!
Drug Dealers??? Heroin?? It is all a coincidence. We are not aware of any problems with drug dealers in the United States with the exception of large pharmaceutical companies and we are blackmailing...................oooops.........dealing with them.
We are making drug deals with legitimate drug suppliers. So be assured we are taking steps to protect the citizens of the U.S. who pay us to do a job in the competent manner we have been doing. We know better than you, we are smarter than you.

Now beat it.

What is this Public Corruption you speak of??? You mean to tell me their are people committing corruption in public?? We shall take care of that, I will have my staff compile a list of names and we will start forging criminal charges on all of you. It is the easiest way to handle this kind of problem.
I look like a short, incompetent Mexican midget???? How dare you!! I shall send out members of my staff to gas you.

Do you have a garage?
The Army

Everyone who has stars on their uniforms should be investigated for corruption. We already know they are corrupt so we should go ahead and get started...........the sooner the better.

Is the Army taking a well-deserved beating right now??? I don't blame the enlisted.............I blame high-ranking corruption that has run rampant in the Army for decades. TO ALL OF YOU THINKING OF A MILITARY CAREER, do you want Honesty and Integrity??.............DO NOT, I REPEAT..........DO NOT JOIN THE ARMY. JOIN ONE OF THE OTHER BRANCHES.
This is only the beginning of the investigations you are getting ready to experience with high-ranking military officials. we have our eyes on you guys, we know where you are what you are doing what you are getting ready to do. SAVE YOUR BULLSHIT. WE ARE SMARTER THAN YOU.

HEY YOU....................Yeah.........Lt.General...........things aren't going so well. You should have NEVER fucked with me. BASTARD.
