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U.S. Dept of Justice ~ FBI Files


New member
I bet the FBI has a file on me since I have been on this TrollKingdom board. I would be interested in what they have written about everything that has happened to me over here with all these law enforcement/criminals. I need to get a copy of it so I can set the record straight because you know they probably have it all fucked up.

Kind of like the Burglary charge that was created by a government person/agency.
FederalAgent007 said:
I bet the FBI has a file on me since I have been on this TrollKingdom board. I would be interested in what they have written about everything that has happened to me over here with all these law enforcement/criminals. I need to get a copy of it so I can set the record straight because you know they probably have it all fucked up.

Kind of like the Burglary charge that was created by a government person/agency.

Talk to your lawyer. You are entitled to view ANY files you have on you. It is the law. Get the cash and hire that lawyer bitch! You will probably not see the files on you for perhaps 2 years but at least your lawyer will have come through. Naturally by that time you should be released from jail after having been made every fat cow's bitch!
FederalAgent007 said:
Not to mention the crime I committed of online harassment on a troll board.

*rolls eyes*

For the love of Christ.

How does one 'harass' online? Ironically enough that is what one TAMAR_GARISH threatened to have me charged with. I told her to go ahead and contact my ISP if she felt her so-called 'charges' would stick. Seems she was angry at me having mocked her wheelchair-bound self. So she threatened to contact my ISP. A couple of nights later at a club I saw a buddy of mine working on that club's register. He knows the communications/electronics shit. Well we got to talking. I told him about TAMAR's little threat. We both had a good laugh. He told me I should give my ISP's telephone number to her. I was puzzled and asked why. He told me if she called them and complained, their FIRST question would be where did she get the IP address from because that is the information she would use when talking to them. If she revealed how she truly obtained that information, she would end up getting not only HERSELF in trouble but THIS site and WORDFORGE. That is why when I e-mailed ELDON a letter regarding this matter as part of a little TROLL I had in mind he actually shat his pants. I mean SERIOUSLY SHAT his pants. I was stunned so I told him not to worry about it that I was only kidding. I know he had a few choice words for TAMAR. *ROTFLMAO* Have you noticed her avoiding me? Ever wonder why? *ROTFLMAO* She learned how much trouble she could get into so she kept quiet. You should have seen her backpeddaling. Now that was HILARIOUS. I had this entire SITE trolled.
My friend how does he know TROLLKINGDOM, TAMAR_GARISH and WORDFORGE would be in deep shit if they reported me to my ISP? Simple. He WORKS for my ISP. *ROTFLMAO*. He has seen this happen many times. Every time someone complained about someone either stalking, harassing things like that they ALWAYS get themselves in trouble because it comes down to one thing, the IP address. This is guarded information. I do not own the IP address. You do not own yours either. Your ISP owns it so anyone who uses my IP address for ulterior matters had better have a good explanation as to what they are doing with my ISP's property. TAMAR knew this and that is why she and ELDON of WORDFORGE shat their pants.
That troll was probably the GREATEST in all history! You should have seen everyone denying it happened. Now I just finished a troll where I pretended to be a French guy from Quebec. No one even had a SMIDGEON of a clue PALADIN was also SAINTLUCIFER. ZODIAC/MESSENGER even told those who were somewhat suspicious that I MIGHT be a dual absolutely not and that they were wrong! It worked BEAUTIFULLY! He was too easily convinced. Not ONCE was he the slightest bit suspicious. What a fucking MORON!
Please don't breed. the world has enough retarded idiots running around without you two producing more.

Thanks in advance.
Sarek said:
Please don't breed. the world has enough retarded idiots running around without you two producing more.

Thanks in advance.

Aw SAREK is so cute. He wants FBI007 for himself. His gap-toothed crack whore of a wife must still be complaining about his tiny thingy in between his legs not giving her any pleasure. Damn but she cannot even FEEL that tiny nub never mind derive and pleasure from it. Therein lies SAREK's anger. He seeks to take it out upon FBI007 and I.
SaintLucifer said:
Talk to your lawyer. You are entitled to view ANY files you have on you. It is the law. Get the cash and hire that lawyer bitch! You will probably not see the files on you for perhaps 2 years but at least your lawyer will have come through. Naturally by that time you should be released from jail after having been made every fat cow's bitch!

You are such a freakin' idiot. I know what I am "entitled" too, just like I am supposed to be "protected" from unlawful arrests and false criminal charges being created on me by the government. It didn't stop the justice system from making me a criminal.

This is a scary thing to happen to anyone.
I know he had a few choice words for TAMAR.

Yeah, he sure did!

Elwood: "Who is Saint Lucifer?"

Tamar: "Some troll we banned awhile back."

Elwood: "Oh."

He showed me!! We were so afraid!!

*ROTFLMAO* Have you noticed her avoiding me?

Because you are the dullest, most repetitive troll here after Debbie Dingbat.
Tamar_Garish said:
Yeah, he sure did!

Elwood: "Who is Saint Lucifer?"

Tamar: "Some troll we banned awhile back."

Elwood: "Oh."

He showed me!! We were so afraid!!

Because you are the dullest, most repetitive troll here after Debbie Dingbat.

Really? That is why you took your bitch wheelchair-bound ass right out of here after I had spoken to him right? You are a lying cripple and you know it. You disappeared for quite some time. Shitting your pants no doubt. Tell me, when you shit your pants, who lifts you out of the wheelchair and wipes your asshole? Your mommy?
Tamar_Garish said:
Yeah, he sure did!

Elwood: "Who is Saint Lucifer?"

Tamar: "Some troll we banned awhile back."

Elwood: "Oh."

He showed me!! We were so afraid!!

Because you are the dullest, most repetitive troll here after Debbie Dingbat.

If I am so dull and repetitive..........why do you read my posts? I only read yours when you post in a thread I am in.