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War on terror news roundup ~ 10/21/06


New member
This is just an amazing contrast in pictures. First picture, Israeli greenhouse, used to make the desert bloom and provide food for all. Second picture, why it's an intifidah battle tunnel! LOL

A Tunnel in a Greenhouse

As French Muslims continue burning cars and their usual mayhem, don't let a liberal journalist refer to them as Muslim extremists!

French Intifadah Continues,,3-2414175,00.html

Did I call this next one, or what? As soon as Youtube was bought out by some big conglomerate, they shut it down of anything that anyone can complain about. (The title of this story should actually be "Youtube Becomes"):

YouTube Adds “Hate Speech” Flag To Its Videos

And as usual, a Democrat staffer has been caught leaking war on terror secrets. Just a regular day's work as the Democrat party does everything they can to help Al-Queda kill us:

House Intel Chair suspends staff member

This next one is also predictable, predictably sad that is. CNN happily airing footage of American soldiers being sniped in Iraq. I guess there's nothing the liberal media won't stoop to.

Video shows snipers' chilling work in Iraq

CNN says they "obtained" the video. Why not hype it as a CNN "exclusive" that they paid for? I wonder how many sniper bullets CNN paid for when they bought this thing? I guess CNN is just doing their part for the 'freedom fighters', as far as they're concerned.

All good wholesome slightly biased propoganda.

The dickwads in Gaza is the only one that I agree with you on. The others are opinion pieces. but boy that Gaza piece is stupid.

Hey, lets take all this valuable investment in our infractstructure and give it to the idiots that are keeping us in the stoneage YAY! for the Palestine authorities!
So it's propaganda that:

1) The Palestinians have produced nothing, grown nothing in their areas? How many more centuries are they going to blame whatever poverty they have on Israel? Obviously if a culture sits around and blames their poverty on someone else, that's the easy way out of any responsibility, isn't it? Until there is a cultural change within the Palestinian community, they will spend the next thousand years mired in poverty. And that's sad, especially considering the enablers worldwide who keep telling them never to change.

2) Why is it propaganda to note that French Muslims are the ones rioting, burning, and destroying France? Those youths are responsible for all global islamic terror, the difference is the French meekly submit to their terror.

3) Why is it propaganda to note YouTube is silencing all free speech? This is a bad thing regardless of political affiliation.

4) Why is it propaganda to note that reports labeled SECRET are not to be distributed to your buddies at the New York Times? People die when terrorists are helped. And the terrorists just want to blow up westerners, they don't care if Democrats want to give them a hug.

5) You've got me here. CNN is guilty of providing free propaganda to Al-Queda, happily showing the work of Islamic snipers. CNN believes impartiality means taking an active side with the terrorists. Maybe they'd better check the dictionary, cause that's propaganda, not balance.

But then, CNN is not the network known for being Fair and Balanced, so we can't expect more from them. :)

you just showed yourself symbol man.

Ogami - I said I agreed with the palestinian piece does noone listen to me!!!

2. I quote "these youths are responsible for all global Islamic terror" - that is an opinion piece. I also know quite a few Frenchies and they have a very different opinion to you - Whadcha know? that's their opinion piece too.
3. I quote "youtube is silencing all free speech" come on, that is another opinion
4. I may agree it was a stupid thing - but tha's my opinion!
5. you may be right, the CNN stunt was dumb - but that them there is your opinion.
And I'm supposed to interpret "boy that Gaza piece is stupid" is what other way? I'm not a mind reader.

The contrast in two photos is anecdotal, how the Palestinians raise entire generations of suicide bombers is not. I wonder what the Palestinians universities or colleges produce. Doctors? Engineers? Architects? Medical researchers (hopefully not like Saddam's medical researchers)? Or just suicide bombers? Theirs is a culture of death, and I do find stories of them of interest.

I'm happy if you cherry pick the articles, that's why I don't put these in five separate threads.
