ALL those brave threads which file out into the distance, into the farthest distance – it is not certain! Somewhere or other they will be unable to go on and will hole up on a disk or on a cluttered hard-drive – and they will even be vengeful of that unbecoming accommodation! But who could venture to infer from that, that there was not an immense open cyberspace before them, that they had multiplied as far as one could multiply!
All our great readings and writings have at last come to a stop; it will be the same with you and me! But what does that matter to you and me! Other threads will penetrate farther! This insight and fresh faith vies with them in uploading, filing - fire and away! It rises above our maths and above our impotence into web sites and from there surveys the distance and sees the stocks of threads which, far stranger than we, still thrive on what we have installed, and where everything is ASCII, C+, C! – And whither would we go? Would we cross the ©? To what lengths does this empty empire drive us, these lengths that deserve more from us than every pleasure? Why just on this instruction, now - when all the sons of the dark arts have so far been sent down? Will it perhaps be said of us one day that we too, leaning eastwards, hoped to reach America – but that it was her fate to be wrecked against nearly an infinity of my cultures? Or my brothers? Or...?
All our great readings and writings have at last come to a stop; it will be the same with you and me! But what does that matter to you and me! Other threads will penetrate farther! This insight and fresh faith vies with them in uploading, filing - fire and away! It rises above our maths and above our impotence into web sites and from there surveys the distance and sees the stocks of threads which, far stranger than we, still thrive on what we have installed, and where everything is ASCII, C+, C! – And whither would we go? Would we cross the ©? To what lengths does this empty empire drive us, these lengths that deserve more from us than every pleasure? Why just on this instruction, now - when all the sons of the dark arts have so far been sent down? Will it perhaps be said of us one day that we too, leaning eastwards, hoped to reach America – but that it was her fate to be wrecked against nearly an infinity of my cultures? Or my brothers? Or...?