Troll Kingdom

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Welcome Wordforge posters

let's do this lucifer morningstar GIF by Lucifer
I would make a motion that Diacanu should be euthanized for his own good. Any seconds?

Or thirds?

Rumpelstiltskin at last!
You'd all love to think we give you lot a second thought.
One of right forge got their knickers in a twist the other day and bought you lot up.
Holy Moses it's still there.

Half a dozen fueled up WF rejects
and I played you all like Yo Yo Ma
Super duper.

Didn't take much did it?
Ah well, back to school for the lot of you :teach:
It is amazing how stupid and gullible so many posters over there are. Critical thinking is just not possible with all the group think they have going on. Nova/Shep kept spreading this fake news and the usual retards all nodded in unison. Shit like this is why I left. The retardation just got to high. That and all the horse shit double talk to justify political violence being OK when their side did it.

I just saw that. Link was obfuscated so you had to click through to see the source. "The Daily Beast" comes up and I'm like "oh Christ." Of course these days Ankles is past using "Newsweek" as a source and just posts random people's Twitter feeds like they're credible. I was considering wading in to find out where the poop was but realized it was a pointless waste of time--I already knew it was there and didn't care and if I rubbed their nose in it they'd just accuse me of being racist. Thanks for taking the time to find out...The Rest of the Story.