Troll Kingdom

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Well, that's it, I'm outta here!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yup, that's it, I'm done. I made it through Blow-Torch/Numb-Chucks and his spam-bot. I survived jack and the rest of the Comicon retards. I even managed to put up with St. Luci and the Charas test-tube babies.

But now, some fucking moron got a bunch of skanky ho's to invade the board, and they're taking over worse than the venereal diseases I'm sure they all suffer from. Apparently, they're Canadian, to boot. I mean, I might be able to put up with skank ho's, but there's no way I need to visit a board with Canadian skank ho's. I can't even wade through the forums any more for fear of catching somethin'.

Menty, Gagh (if you guys are even still here), I'll keep sending you the DVDs.

See ya, last one out, turn off the lights, 'k? K.
Aww... you scared of a harmless Canadian? For shame... dont let the door smack your ass on the way out :D
^^I'm sorry all I see when you post is, "Gimme a dollar, I'll show you my pussy! Gimme a dollar, I'll show you my pussy!"
Big Dick McGee said:
^^I'm sorry all I see when you post is, "Gimme a dollar, I'll show you my pussy! Gimme a dollar, I'll show you my pussy!"

What the fuck? I paypal'd her $20 and she only showed me her boobs.
DarthSikle said:
What the fuck? I paypal'd her $20 and she only showed me her boobs.

LMAO no money can convince me to show anyone anything today... this is my day off... I stay clothed... and stay home fucking my man :D

Oh btw.. BDM.. your just pissed off because you know im to good for you and it breaks your heart to know you can never have me because im way above you. Now go bend over for SaintLucifer... because I hear you love it up the ass from him :)
Big Dick McGee said:
Yup, that's it, I'm done. I made it through Blow-Torch/Numb-Chucks and his spam-bot. I survived jack and the rest of the Comicon retards. I even managed to put up with St. Luci and the Charas test-tube babies.

But now, some fucking moron got a bunch of skanky ho's to invade the board, and they're taking over worse than the venereal diseases I'm sure they all suffer from. Apparently, they're Canadian, to boot. I mean, I might be able to put up with skank ho's, but there's no way I need to visit a board with Canadian skank ho's. I can't even wade through the forums any more for fear of catching somethin'.

Menty, Gagh (if you guys are even still here), I'll keep sending you the DVDs.

See ya, last one out, turn off the lights, 'k? K.

That’s the lamest excuse for leaving I ever heard, but don’t let that stop you, fuck off you retarded, racist, scummy, sad old fucker.



Hi strippers, how are you?
Actually...if you weren't retarded...most of the people from our forum are American...its just a coincidence that the gals that have shown up here are mostly Canadian...its not our fault we're bred as a nation to be kinky bitches.

But I understand why you'd be haven't even been able to land yourself a skank ho since junior high, its those mental scars...they hurt the worst, don't they?
Stuart said:
That’s the lamest excuse for leaving I ever heard, but don’t let that stop you, fuck off you retarded, racist, scummy, sad old fucker.



Hi strippers, how are you?

Hey baby how are you? *holds hand open for $5 tip to continue talking*

J/K :D
^^"Gimme a dollar, I'll show you my pussy! Gimme a dollar, I'll show you my pussy!"

Keep repeating it, and maybe you'll get that Jetta you've been wanting! :)

Gee, looks like I touched a couple of nerves, eh? Christ, I'll probably get charged $$ for that! :lol:
tiff_7_17 said:
Actually...if you weren't retarded...most of the people from our forum are American...its just a coincidence that the gals that have shown up here are mostly Canadian...its not our fault we're bred as a nation to be kinky bitches.

But I understand why you'd be haven't even been able to land yourself a skank ho since junior high, its those mental scars...they hurt the worst, don't they?

ROFL! I love you Tiff :D
Big Dick McGee said:
^^"Gimme a dollar, I'll show you my pussy! Gimme a dollar, I'll show you my pussy!"

Keep repeating it, and maybe you'll get that Jetta you've been wanting! :)

Gee, looks like I touched a couple of nerves, eh? Christ, I'll probably get charged $$ for that! :lol:

Did you leave yet?

I can't tell...
Ohhhhh, I thought they were stripers!!! :D

Stuart said:
Did you leave yet?

I can't tell...

Yea for someone who wants to leave hes still sticking around...and trying to battle it out with the strippers. For shame.... So BDM... you ready for your lap dance yet?