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What book are you reading?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
And is it any good?

I'm reading "Perdido Street Station" by China Mieville. It is weird, wonderful, and creepy. Makes me want to say Godshit all the time.
I'm between books and just this morning picked up a volume of Boris Pasternak's poems that a friend sent me for my Birthday, but they're all in Russian, so it's not really very interesting. Maybe I'll find something trashy instead.

Old School by Tobias Wolff. Somewhere between Dead Poet's Society and a CS Lewis memoir...

I went on a book spree recently, waiting in the wings:

Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
Chris Lemmon, A Twist of Lemmon: A Tribute to My Father
Clare Warmke, Idea Revolution
Alan Bennett, The History Boys (play)
Philip Roth, American Pastoral
Charles Freeman, The Closing of the Western Mind

If I get through half of these this year, I'll be mighty proud...
Right now I'm reading The Clockwise Man, a Doctor Who mini-hardcover novel. It's the Eccleston Doctor, and it's pretty good!

I'm also reading a whole box of Marvel Ultimate comics that Darthsikle lent me.

Next book will probably be one of the many E.R.B. books I've owned but not read yet.
I thought of starting up on Will again this summer, but my heart just wasn't in it...I'm in the mood for more contemporary stuff...
Just started David Webber's "Honor Herrington" series, finished the 2nd book in the series this weekend, "The Honor of the Queen".

Not bad, reminds me of Horatio Hornblower in space. Entertaining enough that I'm checking the books out from the library, but probably won't buy them.

Tried one of Eric Flint's alternative histories "The River Wars" (or something similar), couldn't get into it. Another Library book, so no harm no foul. Why can't he write something like "Mother of Demons" again? The 1632/Ring of Fire books are ok...but getting stale quickly.

I'm also reading work related papers, very very dry stuff...(sigh)
Happy Lesson Vol. 1

Moving on to Strawberry Marshmallow Vol. 1 next, and then Negima! Vol. 1
I've been reading assorted Dean Koontz books since classes ended in May.

I just picked up the first Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter book a couple days ago, though.
I recently finished Teacher Man by Frank McCourt an excellent, easy read. I then blew through Confessions of a Recovering Slut by Hollis Gillespie, that was the best book I've read since...well...Bleachy Haired Honky Bitch by Hollis Gillespie. Confessions was touching and hilarious, I highly recommend it. Now I'm reading Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity by John Stossel and waiting in the wings is Laura Bush's biography.
Laker_Girl said:
I recently finished Teacher Man by Frank McCourt
Ooo, I forgot about that one. I blew through Angela's Ashes and then labored though 'Tis and then the McCourts fell off my radar...
The Gospel of Judas

It's really good if you're inerested in poking holes in catholic dogma. It presents a story that Judas is the reason we were all saved and that Jesus wanted Judas to betray him because he was his best friend.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Ooo, I forgot about that one. I blew through Angela's Ashes and then labored though 'Tis and then the McCourts fell off my radar...

You are literally the fifth person to inform me that 'Tis is just boring as hell yet I still feel like I have to read it. I loved Angela's Ashes and Teacher Man was actually quite good, I recommend you pick it up if you get a chance. It's got a lot of funny stories and touching stories, I laughed, I cried, etc.
Shadow Divers by Robert Kurson

It's a true story about 2 divers who find a German U-Boat which was sunk about 60 miles off the coast of New Jersey.

Really good book so far.
'Tis isn't unreadable, it's just different. I enjoyed it, it just didn't have quite the same epic quality of Angela's Ashes. So I had less patience for the gab in parts. ;)
My next book will be "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", by Heinlein. I'm sure I've read it before, but it's for a book club so I gotta read it again.

If you haven't read "Perdido Street Station" yet, and you like weirdly profound shit, I recommend you get it and read it. It is a strange mix of ugliness and beauty, magic and science. I can't say enough about how great this book is.
I'm reading exciting stuff - "Law Office Management" and "Business Law" - simply scintillating stuff.