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Where is the Death Threat thread Menalist started about me?


New member
Mentalist?? You do know I reported it to law enforcement in TN, not that it mattered, but I also reported it to GoDaddy's Bob Parson and his legal people.

Fuck you JEWBOY..............unfit father. I hope you lie when the subpoena you and Jenna's sorry parent asses. I hope your kids get taken away from you because parents like you who spend every waking hour on the internet aren't taking care of their small children.

I can see that out of men...............but women???? Of course, the calibre of mother's I have seen on this board are the sorriest yet. I bet Jenna and Dawn went to the same parenting school. Do you two smoke pot in front of your kids??? Do you have sex with other people you aren't married to with your kids in the next room?

Talk about your lowlifes.
I don't like it!! I didn't think he/she was serious at the time but don't kid wouldn't believe the stuff that happened after that. They even ratted me out like I got the Medicare reward or something and I didn't.
It is the reason I moved to Texas only I didn't know my "Relocation specialist" had conned her way into the position until Oct. 2006 when I called Mary B. and axed her why she switched me over to Dawn. Mary told me Dawn came to her, said she knew me and liked me. YEAH.............whatever. Oh know Coldwell-Banker is sweating this one out. I don't blame MaryB. because she was used as a pawn. I can, however, call her into court.
^^Trust me, I contacted two people about someone in the CIA on this board over a year ago. I have both of their names, the telephone numbers, I documented my conversation with them. If they want to try to cover this up because they feel the need to glamourize their jobs as covert spies.......screw them. Most of them are paper-pushers with degrees from Ivy League schools who wouldn't know the first thing about survival on the streets.

Fuck them...............I will take the FBI over the CIA any day because it seems like all the CIA does is fuck up anymore.