Troll Kingdom

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where's cait?

it is catronia that has done this evilness to the skans.i do not know what you have done fake gagh but if it was bad you need a trial. did you get a trial? i had not a trial but was condemned all the same.
Here I am you attention whore. I'm was contemplating letting you out of here, and other matters of world importance.

For your information, the Mine Field is for spamming, but you didn't just spam, you bumped every current thread off the front page and part of the second page. That's not OK IN ANY FORUM!

Now, if you understand this, and accept it, then you can get out. If you're gonna moan and groan about spam in the spam forums and refuse to see that necro'ing threads so that they push current threads off the front page of a forum [any forum] is a bad thing, and will get you put back here, then why should I let you out?

I posted the relevant policy to you, you're just refusing to accept it, and instead whining all over the board any place you can. Which I'll admit is amusing, but won't get you out of here.

Necro'ing old threads to push new threads off the front page will get you sent to DayCare even if you do it in the MF.
it is catronia that has done this evilness to the skans.i do not know what you have done fake gagh but if it was bad you need a trial. did you get a trial? i had not a trial but was condemned all the same.
there will never be a trial, even now everyone including peter ovtavian fled when they saw the gross abuse of admin power in carrying out vendetta
it is catronia that has done this evilness to the skans.i do not know what you have done fake gagh but if it was bad you need a trial. did you get a trial? i had not a trial but was condemned all the same.

I didn't do anything to any of the Skans. That was the other evil Admin Queen. ;)
it is her i need to be talking to then. i do not necro those things and am innocent. as are the other skans who im not sure who they are but they are good men like me.
Caitriona said:
For your information, the Mine Field is for spamming, but you didn't just spam, you bumped every current thread off the front page and part of the second page. That's not OK IN ANY FORUM!
what about daycare

Now, if you understand this, and accept it, then you can get out.
no i can get out when you choose at a whim to let me out.

If you're gonna moan and groan about spam in the spam forums and refuse to see that necro'ing threads so that they push current threads off the front page of a forum [any forum] is a bad thing, and will get you put back here, then why should I let you out?
why shouldnt you? I didnt flood after I said I wouldnt.

I posted the relevant policy to you, you're just refusing to accept it,
bullshit you couldnt back it up when i tried to argue

and instead whining all over the board any place you can. Which I'll admit is amusing, but won't get you out of here.
you dont undersand anything. i should not be here at all.

Necro'ing old threads to push new threads off the front page will get you sent to DayCare even if you do it in the MF.
bitch / whine / moan

people have spammed in mf for how long now and its suddenyl daycarable and a former DLA dual is the first to go?
Well you do have a point, there is nothing we can do if you spam, or necro DC, so I guess that forum is exempt. So you must be in the right place if that is all you want to do. ;)
Caitriona said:
So you must be in the right place if that is all you want to do. ;)
you must have come to that conclusion from my constant appeals to be released.

I would say that I wont necro any threads but I said I wouldn't FLOOOD last time and you still locked me up and didnt trust that I would stop so there is little point in saying it even though I did stop but whatever its your pejoritive

and get to work on my name
Caitriona said:
I'm was contemplating letting you out of here

Now, if you understand this, and accept it, then you can get out.

Now you are being subjective, are there die hard rules or is it your call? because all the time you are saying "RULES RULES RULES" and falsify yourself when you act on your whims
OK, one more time and then no more attention for you..

Necro'ing old threads is flooding. You're flooding the forum with threads to push the current threads off the page. Different method to achieve the same result. And I never said you lied to me when I put you back in here, you just went out and committed another offense to get put back here.

Don't necro threads to push current threads off the page. That's it. It was in the quote I gave you. READ IT!! Commit it to memory. those are the things that will get you put in DC.

Now our conversation is over, I've already given you too much attention.
Caitriona said:
OK, one more time and then no more attention for you..
No,I will continue posting and following the rules as I have up to now and just like different people have who were not put in daycare and if you feel the need to put me in here then all the more attention and drama you create.
Necro'ing old threads is flooding. You're flooding the forum with threads to push the current threads off the page.
you have a simplistic debating techniqeu which can drive people nuts. you believe your own drivel.
Different method to achieve the same result. And I never said you lied to me when I put you back in here, you just went out and committed another offense to get put back here.
you think I like this? LOL
Don't necro threads to push current threads off the page. That's it. It was in the quote I gave you. READ IT!! Commit it to memory. those are the things that will get you put in DC.
bullshit, clarify them instead of capriciously putting me here
Now our conversation is over, I've already given you too much attention.
if you dont want me to appeal then you should just ban people who piss you off. isnt this my time out? how many do I get? amend the rules, please.