Troll Kingdom

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Which One Of You Is MonsterTroll?


New member
MonsterTroll came over to my defunct website,, and blasted my boards with runny shit. I'm here to wipe it up with his ass. Don't be a coward - which one of you left that mess?

Background: I opened my forum as an alternative to which was editing my posts because they couldn't deal with my superior wit. After their site crashed and was rebuilt they closed down. Someone said the transvestite who ran the place died of AIDS. Anyway, my website never caught on so everyone stoped posting there. But last month MonsterTroll came and shitted all over the place. He said he is from TrollKingdom and I've come to settle accounts with him or her (or both).

SuperTroll said:
MonsterTroll came over to my defunct website,, and blasted my boards with runny shit. I'm here to wipe it up with his ass. Don't be a coward - which one of you left that mess?

Background: I opened my forum as an alternative to which was editing my posts because they couldn't deal with my superior wit. After their site crashed and was rebuilt they closed down. Someone said the transvestite who ran the place died of AIDS. Anyway, my place never caught on so everyone stoped posting there. But last month MonsterTroll came and shitted all over the place. He said he is from TrollKingdom and I've come to settle accounts with him or her (or both).


SuperTroll said:
MonsterTroll came over to my defunct website,, and blasted my boards with runny shit. I'm here to wipe it up with his ass. Don't be a coward - which one of you left that mess?

Background: I opened my forum as an alternative to which was editing my posts because they couldn't deal with my superior wit. After their site crashed and was rebuilt they closed down. Someone said the transvestite who ran the place died of AIDS. Anyway, my website never caught on so everyone stoped posting there. But last month MonsterTroll came and shitted all over the place. He said he is from TrollKingdom and I've come to settle accounts with him or her (or both).


I am monstertroll ,thats a fun board you have there. :)
"Is this the jack off who spams his mail order bride shit everywhere?"

Hey Reverend

You must've confused me with somebody you care about.
Stay Away From

Bad dog - If you are MonsterTroll don't ever come back to We don't want your kind there.
SuperTroll said:
Bad dog - If you are MonsterTroll don't ever come back to We don't want your kind there.

I will be right over. And yes I am the monstertroll. I dont hide.
SuperTroll said:
MonsterTroll came over to my defunct website,, and blasted my boards with runny shit. I'm here to wipe it up with his ass. Don't be a coward - which one of you left that mess?

Background: I opened my forum as an alternative to which was editing my posts because they couldn't deal with my superior wit. After their site crashed and was rebuilt they closed down. Someone said the transvestite who ran the place died of AIDS. Anyway, my website never caught on so everyone stoped posting there. But last month MonsterTroll came and shitted all over the place. He said he is from TrollKingdom and I've come to settle accounts with him or her (or both).

That was me.

So, are you trolling me yet?
Stop it! You can't all be MonsterTroll. Who is it?

Bad dog?
Satan Mcevil?

I need to get my beauty sleep. Tell me now. Who is MonsterTroll?

And all of you stay the hell away from!