Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
I have discovered who actually did the physical banning of SAINTLUCIFER. That would be HAMBIL my dear children. Too easy. The moment I entered the new FLASHCHAT he kicked me out. But, but Troll Kingdom does not 'ban'. When one is denied access to a simple chat room, that is a complete and utter 'ban'. There are no 'ifs' 'ands' or 'buts' about. It is a BAN. Get it through your thick skulls. Seems HAMBIL is too afraid to face me in realtime. The moment I started to post in the chat room *boom* I was kicked out. Hmm. I must have angered HAMBIL much worse than I had first imagined. If only he knew... . Oh never mind. I will not let him in on my secret. Anyway, I should like to challenge anyone to tell me that Troll Kingdom, contrary to the facts, does not ban. Anyone? Remember, I cannot even chat in Flashchat. That is a complete and utter ban. We all know it. As a result, I must go notify a few people about this site. Ta!
We've been having problems with Flashchat. Maybe if you had bothered to ask instead of simply having another period....
The Chat room works fine for me. You really shouldn't have started that gehy thread about Beergoggles. I warned you.
Roadwarrior said:
The Chat room works fine for me. You really shouldn't have started that gehy thread about Beergoggles. I warned you.

Of course it works for you asshole. You have not been banned. I have. Are you that fucking stupid?

You warned me? I have never posted to you in my fucking life you dim piece of shit. Now get out of my forum. I have a few people I am talking to here about this site. Scram.
Hambil said:
Welcome SaintLucifier, I see you're new here. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Nice little boot action you pulled there. Feel better now? Fear not. I have a couple of people on the job. *wink*.