Only in America ..(and most of the Middle East) :huh:
No one (and I mean NO ONE) else on the face of this earth seems to have a problem with it!
I don't know about anyone else, but as an American, bare breast make me think of raping my mother.
However, bear breasts make me think of running away from a bear.
HA HA! Didn't think I could get mom, rape and a bear attack/boob joke all in the same post didja?
Take that bitches.
Who remembers their first feel of tittehs?
I think it's because all these religious fringe groups from everywhere else gathered up in America. Now we are rid of all prudes and you are drowned in them.
Still.. I never saw in the Bible where it says "Bare Breasts are a Sin and/or Abomination" :huh: