Because ExIsle has a great, big stick up its ass, and rather than remove it, I'd prefer to jam up so far it punctures its brain.
I feel both pity and contempt for people who play the game ExIsle plays. I find it amusing that there is a thread in their questions forum about the use of Orwellian reference to troll. ExIsle is an almost perfect example of an Orwellian community, with Orwellian methods being used to guarantee that the thinnest-skinned of the ExIslers be free from affront or from encountering ideas they find threatening to their pathetically small worldview.
ExIsle is at least ten times as totalitarian as TrekBBS, and its totalitarian nature causes the same sorts of discrepancies you find in real world totalitarian states. Freedom from offense has been gained at incredible price--freedom itself.
ExIsle needs this fact pointed out to them--over and over and over again.
My interest in ExIsle differs from GTC's and DS's. It also differs from CU's and the others who have made ExIsle their project. I go to ExIsle to show them what they are, to force them to acknowledge the increasing curtailing of freedoms and their gross intolerance of any ideas they find offensive.
ExIsle, as a community, does not deserve to exist. Were it subjected to a real world test--were it unable to lock out dissenting voices--it would have perished long ago.
As far as long-time members there deserving respect, I think not. Respect for what? For posting in an insulated community that protects you from having to deal with anything outside your comfort zone? That's more deserving of contempt than respect.
As for the little twats and suckups who've made canvassing TK for ExIsle related threads, you are welcome to reply. I suppose I should have a slight bit of respect for you for coming over here where you can have your ass handed to you without the Ministry of Truth coming around to erase the evidence, though I'd have even more if you dared to register using the same username you use at ExIsle.