Troll Kingdom

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Why won't garamet post here?


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
Here's what she says in this thread:

I registered at TK several years ago for one reason only...because there was a troll on TBBS (long since banned) whom I had reason to believe intended to register there under my username.

I registered preemptively solely to block him. I never had any intention of posting there. I do not care for the ambience, and because I am not anonymous, I will not post there for professional reasons.

I guess she prefers the Wordforge "ambience." Indeed, who could resist such fine WF threads as "Can You Squeeze Supergirl's Breasts?" "MILF Assignation," and "William Shatner sells kidney stone." What style! What class!

But seriously, what are these "professional reasons?" (What is her profession, anyway?) Will she lose anything by posting here that she hasn't already lost by posting at WF? Might there be another, secret reason why she's afraid to come to Troll Kingdom?
My hypothesis, which she's yet to respond to, is that were she to come over here, she'd eventually have to go whole hog in an argument, and then we'd all see here for what she really is--and angry and hate-filled woman whose detest for Bush and all he stands have morphed into a detest for all that is even remotely connected with the man. She may fear that the revelation of the beast that lies at the heart of the "calm, reasonable" garamet will put off potential fans and perhaps attract the attention of her publishers.

And unfortunately, as her "No man's death" threads illustrate, there is a great deal of disconnect between her lament for the death of American servicement and her glee when the Bush Administration is dealt a defeat.

Someplace like this, where'd she'd be Fisked at every turn, is more than she can handle, methinks.
Maybe this place just isn't her cup of tea. No big deal. Most here are regged at WF and can engage her there if needs be.

Here, all gloves are off, and she knows it. She couldn't handle the strong debate over here. Hell, they can barely handle TQ over there. They try to win a debate thru derision and ad hominem, not by refuting his arguments. Garamet knows what to expect over here, and she refuses to give up the smoke and mirrors her cohorts furnish.

As for her professional credibility being shot if she posts here. Really, have you taken a look at the first page of the Red Room lately? The threads that are started over there are no better than the ones here. That argument does not hold up at all.
Far be it for me to actually agree with Bonzie and Face...but yeah, the Red Room's always been open and still is.

Just 'cause PBM ran herself off of Wordforge and Number 6 can't engage her mano y chica without a horde of trolls at his back doesn't mean Garamet should have to be inconvenienced.

What are y'all so scared of?

And secondly, can you TK'ers send over a better ambassador than Wordin? He keeps getting his ass kicked and making a fool of himself. At least send over somebody smarter and dignified. Geez.

And take all these critiques as friendly advice...far as I'm concerned TK and WF have done each other good turns over the years...but Ambassador Wordin...damn...
Phantom said:
What are y'all so scared of?
You people are still in a state of denial, aren't you? Not only did Borgs officially describe WF as a troll board, but the behavior of most of the posters there matches, if not outweighs, any trolling efforts on TK. Look at the facts objectively, instead of subjectively.

We are not afraid of a damn thing. If you take the time to read this forum, you will find intelligent debates. The only difference, as far as I can see from the Red Room, are these debates do not disintegrate into name calling. The ideas are what's emphasized. Yeah, people might have polarized viewpoints, but the viewpoints are what's discussed, for the most part.

garamet, IMO, is afraid to finally be confronted with her views. She's worried that people will see that the emperor is, indeed, not wearing any clothes.
Pthalo BlueMoon: There's nothing like a proven point, son...

Shouldn't that be grandson?....
As for proving points, I think your entire time at WF proved my point right there.
Old woman preying on someone thirty years younger than her. Poor Diacanu.
But hey, you are amongst like-minded folk here. So my advice is, stay here. Stay away from WF, and you never, ever have to worry about Garamet again.

But of course, you couldn't troll her cross-board that way, so you'll just keep on doing what you're doing. As I stated in that Gray Room thread. So carry on, grandma. Carry on.
Crosis said:
Shouldn't that be grandson?....

Hoho! - An old woman pun! WordForge must count you as one of its sharpest members!

Old woman preying on someone thirty years younger than her. Poor Diacanu.

Uh-oh - Old person jibe! I'm sensing a slightly predictable theme here.

But hey, you are amongst like-minded folk here. So my advice is, stay here. Stay away from WF, and you never, ever have to worry about Garamet again.

We could all use more pearls of wisdom from idiots like you. What wonderful advice, but please try not to lacerate me with your rapier wit. It's dangerous, I can see.

As I stated in that Gray Room thread. So carry on, grandma. Carry on.

And you finish old person jibe! What a wonderful chap you are. I can see numerous children clamouring for your attention at parties, such a clever way with words. Seriously - I'm in awe!

I can almost hear his mind churning while he furiously types a reply littered with predictable insults.

Fuck off back to WF. Plenty of morons there to keep you busy for life.
Pthalo BlueMoon said:
You people are still in a state of denial, aren't you? Not only did Borgs officially describe WF as a troll board, but the behavior of most of the posters there matches, if not outweighs, any trolling efforts on TK. Look at the facts objectively, instead of subjectively.

We are not afraid of a damn thing. If you take the time to read this forum, you will find intelligent debates. The only difference, as far as I can see from the Red Room, are these debates do not disintegrate into name calling. The ideas are what's emphasized. Yeah, people might have polarized viewpoints, but the viewpoints are what's discussed, for the most part.

garamet, IMO, is afraid to finally be confronted with her views. She's worried that people will see that the emperor is, indeed, not wearing any clothes.

1. It ain't Borg's board anymore. It's Elwood's. Whatever Borgs has to say about it is pretty much besides the point. It's Elwood's board and last time I looked, it's not a troll board 'cuz Elwood says it isn't. His boat, his rules.

2. Even if WF is, as you say, a "troll board" and is, as you seem to believe, the Dark Land of Mordor as compared to the Rivendell that is Trollkingdom, then it would follow that there would be less to protect Garamet from being confronted with her views over there than there is here.* Therefore that cannot possibly be what stops you.

So I ask again...what's stopping you from confronting Garamet on WF? Lack of allies there? The over-the-top manner of your departure from WF, which would lead to potentially embarrassing explanations if you returned? The prestige of being able to say "Famous Author posts on TK?" What?

*It must be noted, however,, that there are no threads calling Garamet a "cunt" at WF, so your statement about WF being trollier than TK is patently untrue, based on the evidence.
Yes, watch my barely-contained fury.

Wait for it now....

Sorry. Just not feelin' it.
So you're going to, what, criticize my intellect again? Go ahead. Play in your fantasy realm. Meanwhile, over here in reality we have a hag (PBM for those not keeping up) trolling at WF yet again, trying to prod Garamet into posting here. Hell, lotsa people seem to want that here. I guess you figure it'll add respectability or something. Oh well.

Fact: PBM's a troll.
Fact: TK has no respectability.
Fact: PBM should realize that she's a little old (by 32 years or so) to still be trolling on an internet board.

And yes, before the stinging wit of Gagh comes back, that is another jibe at PBM's age. Why do I keep doing it? Cause it's bloody true! Get smarmy about my intelligence all ya want, it ain't half as funny as PBM, who's at least 20 years older than my own mum and yet spends twice as much time frittering away her life on the internet. We have a word for that, ya know. Pathetic. Especially cause it's so true.
Gagh said:
I can almost hear his mind churning while he furiously types a reply littered with predictable insults.

Fuck off back to WF. Plenty of morons there to keep you busy for life.

Insults, frankly, ain't my style.

As for the "Fuck off back to WF" :biteme:

I'll post what I please, especially if this joint is the bastion of free speech y'all keep making it out to be.

Or is that another untruth?
Oh, he's talking to me, Phantom.
Gagh is upset because I keep mentioning what an old woman PBM is.
Even though it's the truth.
Phantom said:
Even if WF is, as you say, a "troll board" and is, as you seem to believe, the Dark Land of Mordor as compared to the Rivendell that is Trollkingdom, then it would follow that there would be less to protect Garamet from being confronted with her views over there than there is here.* Therefore that cannot possibly be what stops you.

So I ask again...what's stopping you from confronting Garamet on WF? Lack of allies there? The over-the-top manner of your departure from WF, which would lead to potentially embarrassing explanations if you returned? The prestige of being able to say "Famous Author posts on TK?" What?
What's stopping me is the undeniable fact that at every turn, my posts would be flamed and trolled. My ideas would not be heard. You seem to want to be reasonable, so I'm sure you would agree with that. I'm not afraid of anything, I'm just saving myself the frustration. It's an energy saving tactic, actually.

As far as prestige...the moderator of our Writer's Forum is not only a published author, but a producer, as well. And, Sardonica is a contributing member, unlike garamet, who seems to just drop in her forum to make sure it is still her forum.

It must be noted, however,, that there are no threads calling Garamet a "cunt" at WF, so your statement about WF being trollier than TK is patently untrue, based on the evidence.
No, garamet is not called a cunt at WF. However, there are other ways to troll besides name calling. Those tactics are utilized on WF. As I said, both boards are full of trolls. The only difference being TK is upfront and honest about what it is. WF is still in a state of denial.
PBM said:
What's stopping me is the undeniable fact that at every turn, my posts would be flamed and trolled.

Maybe because...YOU'RE A TROLL! OMFG!

I'm not afraid of anything, I'm just saving myself the frustration

If that were true you wouldn't obsess over Garamet, then.

However, there are other ways to troll besides name calling.

Methods which you've perfected, of course.
What's stopping me is the undeniable fact that at every turn, my posts would be flamed and trolled.
Any reason you can't just do it somewhere in WF where that couldn't happen?

Or do it somewhere where neither of you would have home-field advantage?