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Wil - BB14


Registered User

Name: Wil Heuser

Age: 24

Hometown: Louisville, Ky.

Occupation: Marketing Consultant

Three adjectives that describe you: Funny, unique and brash.

Favorite Activities: Running, biking and lunching with good friends.
Most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: It will be difficult to live with other people. I'm used to living on my own and having my space, but I'm always up for a challenge.

Strategy for winning “Big Brother:” I would probably not tell the other roommates my profession and play the "nice guy," "someone you can trust" role. I think I would let alliances form first and then manipulate my way into control of the game.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most or least: I just watched the last season but I did not like Evil Dick; arrogant people are not my cup of tea. I did like Rachel. She was outgoing and fun to watch.

What are you afraid of: Snakes and bananas creep me out.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of: My career. I have traveled the world, met amazing people, and I've never let the word NO stop me. [he is a rapist]

Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… If you want something done, do it yourself.

What would you take into the house and why: A flat iron since I have crazy hair and I have to keep it in check! An iPod because music helps me think and meditate. A bottle of Woodford Reserve… I'm from Kentucky – Bourbon -- it’s in my blood.

What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: I wouldn't change much in my life. Fame comes and goes. I would however probably use a little bit of press to help bring light to causes close to my heart.
I think people would have trouble believing he's anything but a street performer.

But it is one of those FirstWorldPains kind of jobs, the ones that flyover hicks might think is too uppity, therefore making him "undeserving" of the prize money.
LOL, he completely turned on Janelle and helped get her evicted. And because of that...

Evicted. :sarek:

Farewell, my entertaining flaming homosexual from Kentucky with the variety-pak of speedos. You spent too much time picking and scratching at your hair extensions, but I loved you anyway.