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Will Troll Valhalla Ever Guess Who My Dual Is Over There?


beer, I want beer

It should be most interesting to determine if Troll Valhalla is capable of discovering my dual over there. I doubt they are simply because they are just too stupid. Naturally I miss my SaintLucifer account but what is one to do? I should start a pool involving the TV'ers guessing which dual is my own. Should I? First prize is a Shoutbox session with the great SaintLucifer, such that you may tell your children and grandchildren about how you actually spoke with him.

Ironically enough, there is one fast, easy way for the TV'ers to discover who my dual is over there. I doubt they have the requisite intellect to find this. I do guarantee though that if ever I give them reason to suspect the dual is me, they will ban it just as quickly as they banned my SaintLucifer account.
Grammour Boy said:


Yet you entered the thread, reviewed the contents and felt compelled to comment. Hmmmm? Someone is jealous I was banned from Troll Valhalla, a site that spends much of its time claiming they do no such thing. The reason for your jealousy? The only way you may ever be banned from any site would be for the fact you spam everywhere you go. A mere child is capable of spamming. You have not the necessary intellect to do anything other than spam in order to be banned. This angers you hence your post.
SaintLucifer said:
Yet you entered the thread, reviewed the contents and felt compelled to comment. Hmmmm? Someone is jealous I was banned from Troll Valhalla, a site that spends much of its time claiming they do no such thing. The reason for your jealousy? The only way you may ever be banned from any site would be for the fact you spam everywhere you go. A mere child is capable of spamming. You have not the necessary intellect to do anything other than spam in order to be banned. This angers you hence your post.
Yes, I entered the thread. As a matter of fact, I read all of your posts. Yay!!

But it's obvious that you have read my 'positive' remarks about you in the other thread and that made you self-conscious, in fact, that you failed miserably to replicate your usual brand of stlucifer entertainment in this stupid little thread we have here.


Gagh reminds me of one of those autistic kids that has to wear a helmet to keep it from banging it's head against the wall.
Grammour Boy said:
Yes, I entered the thread. As a matter of fact, I read all of your posts. Yay!!

But it's obvious that you have read my 'positive' remarks about you in the other thread and that made you self-conscious, in fact, that you failed miserably to replicate your usual brand of stlucifer entertainment in this stupid little thread we have here.



I would not read posts within my own thread? Would you have me ignore everything that was posted in a thread which was created by yours truly? Whyever would I deign to do such a thing? Logic escapes you does it not? If I would not review posts within a thread I took the time to create, then why create a thread in the first place? Duh? I see stupidity reigns in your household.

How does one make another feel 'self-conscious' on the internet? This most certainly puzzles me. The mere fact you would make such a statement suggests you are spending far too much time on the internet. You do understand it is the internet yes? This is not RL. Please take care to remember this.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Gagh reminds me of one of those autistic kids that has to wear a helmet to keep it from banging it's head against the wall.

Yet you wear a jockstrap backwards as a means by which you may keep THUGGIE from overdoing it up your asshole. You enjoy it from time-to-time, but even you admit he has a tendency to go overboard with his homosexual tendencies.
It's some shitty backwater board that is embroiled in a prolonged and needless war of words ('squabble') with TK over which one should hold the honour of 'Shittiest BBS on the Interweb Today'.
SaintLucifer said:

It should be most interesting to determine if Troll Valhalla is capable of discovering my dual over there. I doubt they are simply because they are just too stupid. Naturally I miss my SaintLucifer account but what is one to do? I should start a pool involving the TV'ers guessing which dual is my own. Should I? First prize is a Shoutbox session with the great SaintLucifer, such that you may tell your children and grandchildren about how you actually spoke with him.

Let me guess. You're Toby and that's your picture in the avatar.